5. Battle Scars

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After a few weeks Evan's less severe burns healed, some had no scarring others left raised pink marks on his body. He was now self conscious of himself for it. His leg was where the bad burns were, from when the ceiling fell onto his ankle.

Bobby always wrapped it up and took care of him. It still hurt really bad even after a month. He was supposed to get his cast off soon, and then he was supposed to go back to school, except a new school because Bobby lives in a different county than he previously did.

Evan sat alone in his new room picking at the scars on his wrists and forearm. Bobby entered the room after a swift knock.

"I thought we decided no picking." He sat next to the boy on the bed who looked down ashamed. "The marks show how strong your body is. You made it out, it's like battle scars."

"It's like I killed my mom and dad and I'll have marks to forever remind me." He shot back in anger.

Bobby took a deep breath inhaling steadily. "I understand your pain kid, how can I help you? Should we talk about it?"

The boy shrugged making Bobby sigh. "I know you're not used to having somebody to speak too about how you're feeling, but I promise I'm never going anywhere I'm here to help you."

"I feel like I was supposed to die." He whispered. "Why did I make it out? It was my fault. I'm the stupid one who never listened. I'm the one who waited before calling 911."

"You waited?" Bobby questioned his voice free of judgement.

Evan started crying as he nodded. "I burnt myself really bad, the ones on my arms. That was from when the fire started. I was so focused on my pain I didn't notice-"

"Okay so you didn't wait, you were injured. You did nothing wrong besides playing with fire."

The boy hunched in his head low he hugged himself bringing his knees to his chest gently to not touch any burns. "I just wanted them to tell me not to do it. They hadn't talked to me in 3 days. Why would they do that?"

Bobby shook his head. "I wish I had a good answer for you kiddo. Why don't you come out into the living room with me? I have to work tomorrow and I want to see you before I go back."

"Where am I going while you work?"

"Remember Sargent Grant?" Evan nodded. "I asked her to watch you and she said yes. I'll drive you to her house in the morning."

Evan nodded trying to hide how he felt about leaving the small apartment building. He had only left for 3 doctor appointments within the past month and Bobby had never left or gone somewhere without him. He took off work to stay with him, to bond with his new son, to care of him while he was hurt.

He was afraid, and hardly slept that night, which Bobby noticed as he went to wake the child at 7am to get ready and he was already awake, but he saved his worry and didn't mention it.


"Well look at that hey Evan, you look better." Athena greeted at the door a smile across her face.

"Hi Sargent Grant." He replied standing close to Bobby scared out of mind. He was still on crutches for his bad leg.

"Hey babe." Bobby said pecking her lips. "Thanks for doing this." He entered the house causing Evan to make a quick scramble after him; which was difficult with the crutches.

Bobby set all the bags he brought onto the dining table and turned back around looking at his son and then Athena.

"I brought his medical kit, he'll need his bandages on both legs changed around 3. He'll probably give you a hard time about it, he's not being rude it just hurts. Ummmmm..." he dragged on trying to think. "I'll be back around 9 tonight, behave for Athena kid would ya."

"It's not like I can run away." He said quietly.

Bobby's face held a brief look of sorrow before he smiled and hugged the boy. "I know that, I'll be back later got it. You'll be okay and well taken care of."

Evan nodded and hugged back tightly, which Bobby loved but noticed that wasn't what he normally did. He pulled away noticing the tears in the child's eyes.

"It's okay." He repeated before standing up and kissing Athena and leaving.

Athena could see how nervous the kid was, she just didn't know what the reason was. He sat on the couch extremely tense she handed him a blanket which he took and now had wrapped around himself.

"You want something to eat hon?" The boy just shook his head silently. "Alright, I'll put some tv on for ya."

Athena gave the boy the remote after turning the tv on and went to get a basket of laundry and started folding it next to him.

"So how is it like living with Bobby?"

"Fine." He replied hugging his arms across his chest.

Athena sighed. "Kid you don't have to fear me. I have put away more bad guys than you can count."

"What if Bobby gets hurt? What happens to me then? What if he dies too? What if everybody dies?"

"Bobby is going to be just fine. He's been doing this job since before you were born. Now do you like superhero's? I heard there's some good movies on Disney plus."

When Bobby arrived back at Athens's that night he was met with the sight of his son and girlfriend under blankets 2 bowls of popcorn between them and an Avengers movie on the television.

He chuckled. "So you had fun?"

"He sure did besides those damn bandages." She replied as the boy stood up.

Bobby smiled as his son hugged him. "Missed you." He said into his ear.

"I missed you too. Let's get you home and get some pajamas on." The child nodded against his shoulder.

"Bye Athena, thank you for watching me." He said and she nodded smiling at him as he walked towards the front door and to the car.

"That boy is terrified that you're going to die like his parents did. He's terrified about being alone. Once I finally got him to tell me why he was all tense and fearful and I convinced him you'd be okay he was like any other kid. He's so sweet Bobby, he's got a big heart."

"I know he does. He's so amazing, I just have to get him out his shell, he's super shy."

"Blame his parents for that. They made him feel invisible."

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now