Chapter 7: Cruello's Back

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The next morning, Horace, Jasper, and (Y/n) were sitting down to breakfast.

"We should lay low." Jasper suggested.

"Yeah." Horace agreed.

"That was a bit much last night." Jasper continued.

"Ya think? I fell into a cake." Horace grumbled.

"I hope Estello is okay. Last night was pretty hard on him." (Y/n) wondered aloud.

Just then, they heard a door opening and Estello walked out. Only he didn't look like Estello, he looked more like Cruello. He was dressed in a black suit with black leather gloves, and using a walking stick. His black and white hair wasn't covered up anymore, and he was reading the newspaper about last nights events.

"Morning boys. (Y/n)." He announced.

"Morning." Horace replied, taking a bite out of his cereal.

Cruello used his cane to swipe everything off the table, and placed the newspaper down on it.

"So, let's begin." He started.

"You're not gonna kill her are ya?" Jasper joked, referring to the Baroness.

"It's not part of the current plan, but we might need to be adaptable." He replied seriously.

"So, that's a no?" Jasper confirmed.

"If you heard a "no" it is." He said mockingly. "Now, the necklace."

He whacked his cane down on the table making all three jump at the loud noise.

"One of the Dalmatians ate it.  Not sure which one, so you'll need to kidnap all of them." Cruello informed them.

"Alright, sorry. Slow down Estello. What are you talking-" (Y/n) began to ask, but was cut off when Cruello gripped her chin with his thumb and forefinger, and bent down close to her face.

"Darling, if I'm going to have to repeat myself a lot, this isn't going to work out. Okay? Good girl." He said in silky voice, patting her head gently.

"Why are you still talking like that? Grift's over." Jasper asked, confused.

"The necklace went in one end, yes?" Cruello asks as if speaking to a child. "It's going to come out the other. That's how it works. Now, you two get the dogs, and (Y/n) dear, I'm going to need you to start sketching some new designs." He said, before heading towards the elevator.

"What about breakfast? Which is now on the floor." Horace asked, receiving no answer.

"What's the rest of the plan? Where are you going?" Jasper questioned.

"Need-to-know basis." Cruello replied.

"But that's not how we" (Y/n) tried to tell him, but he was already making his way down the elevator.

"That was rude." Horace said.

"Oh, give him time. I'm sure this is all because of what happened last night. I'm sure he'll come around." (Y/n) reassured them.

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