35. Yttrium-e-sulfur

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"You're telling me that Griffin trapped you in a tree but now you guys are a thing?" June asked for the fourth time.

After getting back to school with Griffin, I'd made my way to my dorm. I'd woken up June who'd still been asleep, then texted Noah and Ruben to meet us in an empty classroom. The four of us were now sitting on some desks, eating the breakfast croissants that June and I had grabbed from the great hall as we passed it.

"Yes," I replied. "I know it sounds crazy, but yeah we're now together."

Ruben shook his head in disbelief. "I feel like I'm still dreaming."

June nodded. "Me too."

I turned to Noah. "I have a bone to pick with you."

He laughed and I couldn't help but now see how similar his expression looked to Griffin's. "I think I know what you're about to say."

"You should've told us!" I exclaimed. "You withheld game changing information!"

"Told us what?" Ruben asked. 

"That he's Griffin's cousin!"

June began choking and we paused to let her recover. 

"He's what!" she finally got out.

Noah smiled sheepishly. "He's my cousin."

June got off the desk and stalked towards Noah. "Why didn't you tell us?" She pointed her finger at him and Ruben and I shared a laugh. We'd been at the end of that finger more times than a few times. 

"It didn't seem important," Noah said with a shrug. 

"Didn't seem important?" June echoed, throwing her hands up into the air in exasperation. "You could've revealed all of his weaknesses to us, his fears, everything! But no, it apparently wasn't important."

I decided that now was not the time to tell her that Noah had also assisted Griffin in the glitter prank. I was still fishing out the sparkles from my hair and I could only assume she was in the same situation.

"At least we know now," Ruben added. "We can use this information for our last pranks."

"Yes," I jumped in. "We have until the end of tomorrow to beat him. The score is currently 6:7 to him."

"Easy." June began pacing between our desks. "I'm thinking tomorrow we can swap their clothes with tutus while the hockey match is going on."

"Sounds good" I replied. 

"Tomorrow is the final between Beckfall and Dartington." Noah ran a hand through his hair. "It's gonna be tense."

My pulse quickened in anticipation. This was the match that everyone had been waiting for.

"Tonight we can pull the stock cube and toilet paper pranks," I suggested. "Then, with the tutu prank pulled tomorrow, the score will be 8:7 to us. If he does have another prank we can always come up with one on the spot."

June nodded. "Perfect. The boys and I can leave the dance early to set up, and you can stay with Griffin to keep him distracted and to let us know his movements."

"Solid. Wait—" I suddenly realised what June had said "—what dance?"

"Today is the school's 70th anniversary," Ruben explained. "You missed the full briefing about it yesterday."

"You did bring a dress though right?" June asked quickly. "They did mention it in the email that was sent out."

"Of course I did. I'd just momentarily forgotten about it," I replied. 

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