Chapter 1

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"Brother, Nixon. Heyyy," I said while smiling innocently. He sighed and walked towards us.

"Answer my question." He said, still looking upset.

"Come on, 'bro. I just found her picking up herbs and we talked about having a run today. So that's what we are going to do now, after taking the herbs back to their house." Lake answered before I could speak.

Nixon looked at the both of us for a few seconds before cracking up a smile. Now, that's what I was waiting to see.

"I want to come." He said and before Lake could speak again I spoke up first.

"Of course! I will have two brother's to run with me!" I said excitedly. It will be just like the last time when Nixon did not become 18 yet and focus on training almost 24/7.

Since he became 18, Lake is the only one I've been with in a run while Nixon was off somewhere training or learning about being a strong and good Alpha.

But now, we can bond with each other just like the old days. Where we are complete and just the three of us.

After we got out of the territory, we went behind different trees with holes on them. I removed my dress, placed it inside the hole and shifted into my red wolf. Red is the rarest color of a wolf or especially a werewolf could get.

For wolves, some still have the red or orange color. But werewolves? It is supposed to be a myth for us. But as shocking as it is, I shifted into a red wolf, almost orange color when I turned 14.

Luckily, my mother taught me about being a witch since I was 8. She taught me about potions, herbs, chakras, gemstones and everything else. And it was easy since I am a fast learner. So yeah, no one could harm me because I could always protect my self. But somehow I don't like fights, so I hide immediately whenever there is a different wolf.

Also because they might want to experiment on me or take my blood for becoming a red wolf.

I got out of the tree, seeing Nixon's white wolf with black ears, Noru. And Lake's Brown, Almost yellow wolf, Klein. My wolf's name is Evie. We nodded at each other before running, feeling the cool breeze against our fur.

We halted as soon as we reached the meadow, where we used to have picnics, play or have fun in our human or wolf form.

We hang out and played inside on our wolf form together until we saw something glowing further away from our pack borders.

The 3 of us stopped running and looked up at the purple mixed with red, orange and yellow color and shaped as a circle in the sky.

"It's a portal." We glanced at Nixon who mind-linked us. Indeed he was right, it is a portal. But what kind tho?

"What kind of portal?" Lake asked the both of us. Nixon shrugged in wolf form while I tried to recognize the portal, looking at it's details.

A shiver ran down my spine when I finally recognized the portal. Oh no. I then mind-linked both of them.

"It's a portal towards the realm of.." I was cut off by a powerful roar inside the portal. "Dragons.." I finished. Both Nixon and Lake looked at me, frightened.

"We need to go," I said, feeling a tingling sensation on my left wrist. I have a bracelet that can sense magic from others or sense another powerful creature or supernatural creature.

The other two agreed and they started to run to the trees, getting out of the meadow.

I stopped running and looked back at the portal when the sensation began to slow down. A huge black creature got out of the portal, flapping its magnificent wings. I'm a part witch, but it is my first time to see a real-life dragon in my whole life.

While looking at the huge creature, Evie kept running in my head and was shouting something which I couldn't understand because I was too busy looking at the dragon, it's so magnificent.

But it was not just any normal dragon. I saw a blue color on the portal when he got out of it, which means he is a dragon-shifter. If he is a normal dragon, then the portal should have turned greenish.

Someone pulled me behind a big tree just before the dragon could see me when he looked at my direction, and I knew immediately that it was Nixon.

"Why didn't you run with us?" Nixon said. He was now wearing his clothes and already in his human form while he was holding my dress in his right hand.

"I.. I don't know." I mind-linked him. He sighed and handed me my dress before turning around. Luckily, the tree is big enough.

I shifted and quickly wore my dress. I tugged his arm and he turned around to look at me. We were both startled by a very loud roar and it was like the clouds covered the sun since it was much more darker now.

I saw Nixon looking up behind me, I felt a shiver running down my spine as I tried to calm myself. When I was now calmer, I turned around to see what Nixon was staring at.

But I was shock when I saw a huge feet of a dragon, bigger than my body. I felt my soul floating away and I felt cold as I began to look up.

Two pairs of orange eyes and blue pupils met my two pairs of black orbs. His blue pupils were like a sea inside the fire of orange eyes.

I almost got lost with those mesmerizing eyes when I snapped out and immediately took Nixon's hand before vanishing from the spot.

I teleported us inside the borders and I saw Lake walking back and forth with a worried expression.

"You okay, Nixon?" I asked, looking back at him. He just nodded and called Lake.

He snapped his head towards us and smiled happily before running to us and giving us a tight hug. After he breaking the hug, He looked at me up and down.

"What happened? Are you alright? Are you both alright?" He asked, looking at us worriedly.

"Good thing that you followed my order to stay here until I get her." I heard Nixon speak behind me calmly, changing the topic.

"You used the Alpha tone on me! How could I disobey!?" He said, putting his hands around his waist like he always does. It eased up the atmosphere, finally.

"Okay you two, I'll go home and you guys can go back to the pack house." I told them but before I could go, Nixon held my wrist. I looked at him with a confused expression but he just looked at me seriously.

"I can't let you stay there with a dragon on the loose. I'm taking you to the Pack house where you would be safe." He told me, I frowned and yanked my wrist out of his grip.

"Excuse me? Don't you dare talk about him like he's just a beast." I said sassily. Nixon's expression turned to shock and so did Lake's. But mostly me. How did I talk like that?

"What got into you? You sound like you're protecting your mate from me-" He stopped mid sentence, realizing what he just said. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Are you..?" He asked me with a shock expression. Before I could say anything, Evie took over my body and spoke up.



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