18. The eyes gave you away

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Sofía's POV

"Why do we have to come to school every day?" I full whined, half kinda asked...and I say kinda, because I'm pretty sure there's no good explanation on why we have to come to this prison every weekday.

Brianna smirked and then rolled her eyes at me, very typical of her, I'm not even gonna complain about it.

"The day is already over" Brianna said smiling at me while gathering the last of her things. "Actually, you should get going if you want me to give you a ride" she added.

"Aww come on, nobody is going to say anything if they see us carpooling just once" I said, clasping my hands together and giving her my best puppy eyes.

I wanted my puppy eyes to help me hide the fact that, as we both knew, if someone saw us together in Brianna's car, they would think that something weird was going on...either murder-y weird, or romantically and murder-y weird.

Brianna stopped what she was doing and looked at me dead in the eyes, she crossed her arms and lifted one eyebrow as we unconsciously began a staring contest.

Aaaand as expected, I lost.

"Agh, fine! If you don't love me...just say so" I said while dramatically standing up.

Brianna snorted before answering, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Do you really want to go there? Remember what happened the last time you did as much as hinting you were unwanted?" she asked challenging, mischief dancing in her eyes.

Ohhh, I remember that day very vividly.

She fucked me right here in this classroom. Was she offering to do it again? Ha! She thinks she is winning, but she doesn't know that I-

"Sofía, get out" Brianna said, using her scary voice. I internally but very visible shuddered, making Brianna grin. What she obviously knows is that I am still intimidated by her and specifically, by that voice. But what she doesn't know...is that I find it so hot, I'd risk my life hearing her use it again.

"Sofía" Now Brianna was the one whining. "I told you I wanted to go to that new coffee shop downtown, if we don't hurry all of your classmates are going to be there and we won't be able to go together" she added.

I suppressed a grin, I'm sure that besides her family, I'm the only person on earth who has heard Brianna whine...and survived. She is secretly such a baby.

"You're right, sorry babe. See you outside" I said blowing her a kiss.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I started walking through the school halls, I love that woman. She is everything I've ever wanted, and she is everything I never knew I needed. I don't know where I would be right now if she wasn't in my life.

"Hey Sofía! Want a ride?" The co-captain of the cheerleader team suddenly asked me, getting me out of my happy Brianna-related thoughts. She tried to make it look casual, as if we just bumped into each other, but lately she has been kinda following me around.

"I'm all good, thanks" I said smiling at her politely.

"There's a party later, and uh-" another cheerleader butt in.

Where did they come from?

"You could go...with us" another cheerleader finished.

I smiled, since Nikki, Val and I had the fight, I was...alone. I mean, I spend all of my free periods with Brianna, but nobody knew about my relationship with her, they don't know what she means to me; so to them, I was completely alone.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz