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Authors Notes

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First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Second, holy shit people actually read what I write.

Clarity has come so far in such a short time, I applaud everyone and anyone who was here from the beginning that pulled through my spelling mistakes and unedited chapters. You're a champ.

Remember, you are loved, your life is important, and suicide is never an option. You never know what the future will bring you. Live to see your happy future just like Clarity, Olias, and Natalie pushed to see theirs! Whatever you are facing at the moment, whether how big you think the situation is or how screwed you think you are, things will get better. Do not do something permanent for a problem so temporary. There are people who love you and will miss you, me included. I LOVE YOU ALL.

Abusive relationships are knowingly terrible. They're easy to get into and hard to get out. Most times there isn't an Olias coming to save the day. Sometimes the victim is stuck, ending up going to the abuser, which Clarity has done a few times in this. I wanted to make it realistic, show that side of a person inside that doesn't necessarily think they are in any danger of the abuser despite the clear signs. Some of you understood that and others, who are no longer following the story or are muted for being rude towards me, did not. If you come across someone in a relationship such as Clarity's and Jonahs or see signs of it just like Natalie had noticed bruises on Clarity, reach out! Try to provide help via hotlines or simply being their friend, it's the best thing you can do for that person.

Q & A

There is a sequel coming, but I don't know when it'll be released. I'll inform you guys.

Publishing? I'd love to someday if you guys are willing to purchase it and have Olias and Clarity on your bookshelves :)

What inspired me to write this story?
I've made a following writing brief stories on tiktok. It was one I was connected to, a story I didn't want to end and neither did many others. So I extended it, grew out these two characters and quickly fell in love with them.

Do I relate to Clarity Red?
In some small cases, yes of course. I think I relate a little to all my characters (except fucking Jonah). I've experienced some things Clarity Red has,but not extremely. I have the anxiety, I'm shy and I've gone through low points in my life. But I based Clarity Red solely from pure imagination. No, I'm not in an abusive relationship, but I have witnessed others close who have. No, I'm not thinking of hurting myself. Thank you for those who were worried, however! But I'm well :) I know many of you guys do relate in fact relate to her or Olias much more than I can, and I'm happy I can give you someone that can make you feel understood, if that's the case.

If you have any more questions, ask away.

Cheers to the good guys winning 🥂

This book is on goodreads, so is Vengeance. Go rate, review, whatever you do, don't tear me apart :) search my Wattpad username and it should pop up. Also is anyone a goodreads librarian that's able to post covers, if so DM me.

Instagram: kaylarosewrites_
Tiktok: kaylarosewrite
Twitter: kaylawrites_
Gmail: kaylarosewrites1@gmail.com

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