34 | Concocting the Plan

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After ten more seconds of silence, Beverly groaned aloud and called out, "What happens if I come out?"

The raspy chuckle she received in answer to her words was almost more unsettling than the gunshots. "I'm not sure, sweetness—why don't we find out together?"

It was Dennis. Oh, it was absolutely, definitely, one-hundred-percent Dennis.

Creepy, creepy Dennis.

Dragging in a shaky breath, she replied, "I'd rather that I stay in my spot, and you stay in yours, actually."

"Would you?" A pause, a shuffling of feet, and then a quiet shriek from one of the girls in the lounge. Taking a peek around the bin, Beverly gulped audibly when she found Dennis, surrounded by five of his lackeys, holding one of the girls by her hair, his gun against her temple. "I've gotta tell you, sweetheart, you and Deborah have pissed me the hell off today. I'd say you have a lot to make up for, don't you agree?"

"And if I say I'm not interested?"

Dennis smiled, far too sweetly, and she wondered in the back of her mind if he'd ever considered attending an audition for The Joker. "And if I shot this bitch?"


Standing on shaky legs, Beverly met eyes with the girl, mouthing the words, I'm so sorry, as she stepped away from her metal bins of protection. "I don't have anything for you," she told him honestly as she stepped closer.

Dennis' grin didn't falter. "Oh, don't say that, gorgeous; I'm sure we can figure out an arrangement. Like I said, you've been a bit of a problem."

Beverly didn't respond as she edged closer, noting in her peripheral vision as the other of the two girls slunk away. Inwardly releasing a sigh of relief, Beverly stopped two feet from Dennis, somewhat surprised when his lackeys didn't immediately pin her down and punch her around. "I assume this is a 'me for her' type of situation?"

Dennis hummed. "Aren't you a conundrum? I don't think I've ever met a smart blonde before."

She couldn't stop a scowl from forming. "Well, I have yet to meet a smart drug dealer, so I suppose some of us are luckier than others."

Oh, damnit, Beverly, are you freaking serious right now? Shut the hell up! Now is not the time to act like Deb!

It was too late, of course.

Dennis sneered at her. "When I said 'smart,' I didn't mean 'smart mouth,' doll. Shut up."

Beverly sucked in a scared breath and nodded once stiffly. "That's better," the man crooned, sending a shudder down her spine. "Now, I'm going to let this girl go," he released said girl's arms, angling his gun at the back of her head, "and you're going to switch places with her very slowly."

Beverly did as ordered, her steps careful even as she leveled the other girl with a look that hopefully conveyed the message of, Hang in there, and please don't do anything stupid. That's my job.

Well, she hoped the first part of that thought was conveyed, anyway.

Once she was close enough, Dennis clutched her shoulder and pushed her to the left, until she slammed into one of his lackeys. "Red," Dennis grumbled, eyeing the man holding her. "Bring her downstairs; I'll be right behind you." He turned to the other men, and began to provide them with additional orders, but Beverly was already being dragged away.

The man who held her, Red, had on hand on the back of her neck, his fingers tight but thankfully not enough to cut off her airway. "Come on," his voice wasn't quite as deep or creepy as Dennis', but Beverly still didn't want to risk messing with him unless she had to do so.

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