32. Cookie Deal

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Skylar's POV:

I sat on the edge of my bed, I woke up before my alarm so now I'm just waiting for when I have to leave, "Hey you're up." Sage passes my room and I get up following him, "Hi, yeah I'm up but why are you up?" I ask him and we go into the garage, "I need to get my car fixed because I fucking blew a damn fuse." He groans and I lean against my bike while he pops the hood, "What did you do to blow a fuse? Was someone on your tail?" I ask, "No but I was going over a hundred so I think that did it although I don't know why now because I've gone well over hundred-fifty before." He starts messing things and I walk over to him.

"Get the flashlight and point it here, I need to see something, but how was the dinner last night, let me guess they served you some fancy cut meat with some weird ass side then you also had some fancy dessert that's either too sweet, to chocolatey, or caramel-ly." I hold the light shining it in his face making him flinch away and I smirk, "Yeah you're right, roast lamb shanks you know the meat with the large ass bone and mash plus vegetables that were a little burnt. And dessert was an overly sweet Cherry jubilee which now makes sense on why Bailey was eating it in small bites because I could feel my teeth rotting." I explain the food.

"It sounds like I can cook better food than them." Sage chuckles and I nod my head, "Yeah you would be right even though your palet for cooking is small, I'd eat it over that salty lamb meat thing." I shiver. "Yeah but I can make a range of food that isn't going to get boring, but you need to get to school come on it's Monday and I'm sure Bailey would want to see you on time, you can tell me more later when Dean gets his up." Sage closes the hood and takes the flashlight from me. I quickly get my backpack, helmet, and keys. "I'll see you later Sage!" I wave as I get onto my bike and I start getting to school.

I pull into my spot and I notice the obnoxious elevated truck, oh crap I cussed at Beans' dad the first time I saw this truck. Eh, I don't give a fuck but I gotta know if she ever takes the bus or not because I'm sure she'd rather ride with me instead of that stupid ass truck, I take off my helmet waiting for her to get out, "Hey Skylar!" Her dad pops her head of his window, "Hey Mr. Skeels." I tilt my head, "Keep boys away from my daughter alright, good seeing you!" He waves before rolling up his window and I watch him drive away.

"Little do you know your daughter would rather be with a girl than someone like fucking Tyler." I shake my head, "Hi Skylar I can't believe my dad said that out loud just to you but other people heard." Beans come up to me gripping onto her backpack straps, "Yeah that was weird but I gotta do what he says, so any boy that comes up to you will get a beating, including Tyler." I tell her getting off my bike, "Really you're going to listen to my dad?" She questions and I look at her nodding my head, "Especially Tyler?" She smirks.

"I know what you're doing." I point my finger and she only smirks harder, "I'm not doing anything, I'm just asking, especially Tyler." She leans closer to me, "I'm not answering that." I step away from her holding my head high, "Because you're jealous." She says and my eyes widen, I look down noticing she's no longer in front of me and I look around seeing her walking already a few feet away from me.

"Hey now, I'm not jealous, jealous of who? Tyler? I'm better than most of the douchebag asses here." I catch up to her and she looks at me not convinced. "I'm not jealous." I say again and she still isn't convinced, "Yes. You. Are." She claps between words, she's right. I am fucking jealous, I'm jealous, I don't want anyone to think that they have a chance with her. Ever since the kiss on my cheek, it only proved my feelings more and I know I like her now, I've never driven so safe in my life than that night.

"You're jealous, I know you are because you like me." She flips her hair over her shoulder and I roll my eyes trying to prove I don't like her even though I do. "Mhm sure whatever you believe." I say and she looks at me smiling, "You didn't deny it, so you do like me." She laughs, "I can never win with you." I complain, "You're right, you can never win with me and it will be like this forever and ever and ever now let's go to Carmen." We walk into school immediately walking to her spot and Carmen sits patiently.

"You guys took forever to get here." The dark-haird girl gets off her phone and I sit on the bench leaving room for Beans to sit. "Yeah we talked on our way here and I'm a slow Walker if I talk." Beans makes an excuse, I think. I don't know if that's true. Does Carmen know that I had dinner with Beans and her family? I don't think she does because I feel like she would've made a comment about it already. Beans pulled out a book from her backpack one of the books she bought from that book place and it fell silent between all three of us.

I kinda just look at her as her eyes are glued to each and every word written in the book, some of the words she'll mouth as if looking at weren't enough to take in. Her eyes glide along the words, that become sentences then paragraphs then pages. That's a lot of reading, books must really be her escape and now I know why. I should get her a new cover for her book and her birthday's coming up soon so I think it'll be cool. I catch her smiling to herself and I try to get a glance of the print, is it more book porn?

"Is there anything I can help her with?" She closes the book with a snap and then looks at me while I'm trying to stretch my neck, think. Think. Think. "Yeah there is, I've done a lot you know with getting you breakfast, then Mr. John's pool, the spray painting, your parents dinner so I think it's time to start paying up." I rub my fingers together indicating money, well cookies.

"You're right, you've done a lot. I'm not doing anything after school, Carmen do you have any plans?" She turns to her best friend and I drop my head, of course, I should've asked in private. Please say you're doing something Carmen, "I have to help my dad again." The girl sighs and I internally celebrate. Ha ha it'll just be us two again, let's go! "Okay maybe next time then." Beans lays her head on Carmen's shoulder and I turn away, that should be my shoulder. Fuck what's wrong with me today? Stop letting your feelings out.

"So I don't exactly have cookies on me but I can make them." I feel a poke against my shoulder and I turn back around this time with Carmen gone, "Where did she go?" I point at the empty spot, "Oh she went to call someone but as I was saying I don't have cookies on me but I can make them." She repeats, "I don't have anything to bake at my house so we're going to have to go to the store after school because I don't know how you're gonna bake with two eggs and nothing else." I laugh but she didn't, "What?" I ask and she blinks.

"You're house?" She stares at me and I nod, "We're going to your house?" She repeats and I nod again trying to figure out why she's repeating the same thing over. "Yeah my house, where I sleep and shower, where my stuff is, where I live. You know you have a house too and mine has a roof plus walls and there's bathrooms." I start describing a house and she pushes me a little, "I know what a house is." She rolls her eyes, "Good, I was starting to think you didn't but after school we'll go to the store and then my place." I give a very basic plan.

"Okay sure." She sounded nervous, she shouldn't be but I should probably warn her about how annoying Sage and Dean can be, I mean they know that I haven't told her anything but there are some things that might raise suspicion but I think it should be fine right.

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