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I slept at Lisa's law firm yesterday, she didn't mind it either, as she was working hard on my case. I told her everything that happened yesterday. I even told her about the house my mother gave to me and she gasped when she saw it as well, she even managed to help me claim it. 

She wasn't too thrilled about Pearl though, she wasn't too keen on animals, said they scared her. Pearl was a tiny kitten and yet she was terrified, it was pretty comical.

I woke up with a banging headache knowing that today was the day. The day where I would face my brothers and their wrath. I told Lisa about the judge and she just smirked, and I had a small inclinging she had something up her sleeve. I was just staring at the ceiling when a pile of clothes were thrown on me.

I looked up to see Lisa laughing at me and motioning to the shower room. I just sighed, she must be here so often, I mean she did have a shower here. I just smiled at her and hauled myself out of bed.

"We have to be in court by 11, its half 9 now. We have an hour or so before we need to set off, and get as much dirt as we possibly can. Don't worry doll, you'll get your emancipation from them, and I'll even throw in a restraining order for you how about that?", She asked as I nodded at her with a huge smile.

"Then get your cute little butt in there and get ready for a very long day", She said practically shoving me into the shower room. I just rolled my eyes but really I was glad. I was glad that she cared so much about helping me. 

I got showered and checked on my ribs, they were hurting alot less since the surgery and they had gone down so much. You could still see faint bruises and my arms still had a few of them from their tight grips but still, I was okay.

I showered in silence as I thought about everything that had happened yesterday. So Grandpa owned a gang huh? I didn't understand why one of my cousins didn't take over though? Myabe because mum was a pure blood or something since she was their oldest daughter and Cecilia didn't have any kids.

Then I thought about the sacrifice she made for me. She gave up her life just so I could live mine. Whereas my so called family picked her, which I guess I could understand on a certain level, I mean they had grown up with her and I was just a stranger to them. It still made me sad though, that my mother lived such a sad life. That she was forced to marry my dad and have children, instead of marrying her true love.

Lets be serious, the biggest plot twist would be Mike's father with her right now, on a beach in Peru. But I knew it wasn't possible, she would of said something by now out of revenge, to know that they couldn't do anything. 

But she was dead. I felt it. She was gone. My childhood being based on her love, and I use to hate her, with my whole heart, but all I feel now is admiration for the woman who gave up her life for mine. She didn't live such an amazing life anyway, contantly monitored by my grandpa, and having to marry such an asshole.

Anyway, I washed my hair and put on the clothes. It was a black dress, it didn't show alot and it was very respectable, but it still looked great on me. I blow dryed my hair and then straightened it, letting it flow down my back. I even plaited two plaits and tied them together in the back to made it seem like I had a crown on.

I looked ready. I looked so grown up. Detirmination clear in my eyes. I was ready for this. 

I walked out of the shower room and into Lisa's office, giving her a twirl as she clapped in glee.

"You look amazing darling", She said with a smile, gathering up her paper.

"I feel amazing, I feel so re-newed", I told her, still twirling and feeling my dress. Pearl was just jumping about on the windows, I knew I couldn't bring her to court with me, they would never allow a kitten in there with me, but I felt guilty for not taking her. Lisa was also staring at her with a much less guilty look, more like a happy one.

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