Chapter 0|2

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I cleared my throat and responded. "For what?" I attempted to make my voice not show any signs of confusion.

"Can we talk in person? I don't feel comfortable saying these over the phone." A hint of uncertainty was in his melodious voice, I could hear the sound of his breathing from the cellphone.

"Sure. Where are we going to meet?" I spoke with disdain as if the fact that we are going to meet in the middle of the night was not a big deal and the other reason that led me to talk like this, accepting his request without thinking too much was that I have a little crush on him. Emotion makes us unable to make reasonable decisions.

"At the park."

"I will be there in 30 minutes." After saying this he ended the call. Even though the park was five minutes away from my home, I needed time to prepare.

The night was dark and cold and I am sure that leaving the house in short pyjamas is not appropriate, also my hair was still wet and taking too long to dry, so I will use the dryer to speed up the process. And maybe having a snack before leaving home, then thirty minutes is understandable.


Even wearing jeans, a long-sleeved blouse and a warm sweater, the cold finds a way to penetrate my skin and make me shiver.

Just looking into Allan's eyes and seeing the suffering they were carrying, I saw that it was worth leaving my house and coming here. The twinkling gleam in his pale brown eyes had faded. His seductive, fleshy lips were dryer than a desert.

He was generally not the Allan I remembered. My eyes met a shadow of what he used to be.

My heart aches from the pain of seeing him like that.

"What the hell happened to you?" The high-pitched sound of my voice did not hide how shocked and worried I was, when I left the house, I told myself that the first question I would ask him is why he disappeared, but looking at his situation, the plan changed.

"It's... complicated." Allan paused between words.

"Try me." I rolled my eyes from annoyance, I had skipped the opportunity to attempt to finish the history assignments against my better judgement, this better be worth it.


"It all started on Sunday the fourteenth, I was at the party the volume was as high as ever, I was dragged from person to person, as president of the students I had to play nice and speak to everyone, I had a red cup in hand that occasionally brought it to my mouth to taste the strong and bitter taste of whiskey that kept me awake and attentive to my classmate's conversations that I barely know their names.

I tried to leave the group of people with the typical excuse of having to fill the glass with alcohol. When I went to the kitchen, I ended up seeing my friend. The counter was filled with tons of drinks of different brands and different percentages of alcohol just looking at that mixture made me want to throw up. Someone said 'It's water you can drink it' I didn't even have time to look at the person's face to say thanks, I just took the glass to my mouth but before drinking it, I smelled it to be sure it was water when I confirmed it I drank it all.

Minutes later my head started to spin, it felt like thousands of bees inside my head, everything I saw was disfigured until the loud music seemed silent bodies danced, mouths opened up but the voices I couldn't even understand so I moved away from them. Someone caught me and dragged me from the party. My body was very light. I couldn't do any strength to fight the drag without my consent. My eyes got heavier and my vision blurred.

After that, I don't remember anything I think I probably passed out. I only know that I woke up because of the sun's rays that came in from the window and penetrated my view, forcing my eyes to wake up. The only thing I felt was pain, in every member of my body as if it had broken some bones. The layer on which my body was lying was hard as a stone and cold as ice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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