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Eric dressed in his black riot gear shouldn't make me feel things, but it does.

It's not the time nor place, but I'm completely distracted by him wearing thick body armour, a helmet, with a gun strapped to him. As I stand in the entranceway, waiting for him to put my own armour on, I can't stop my eyes from roaming his powerful frame with all the muscles on top of muscles.

My breath hitches as he steps into me, and I'm certain he hears it. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating against me, enjoying his face close to mine as he pulls a bulletproof vest over my head and clips the sides. He smells good, and I have a sudden urge to run the tip of my tongue up the side of his neck that's inches from my mouth.

If we weren't surrounded by his men, all standing in silence, I'd probably do it.

My inner dirty thoughts are interrupted by my mum marching towards us.

"I don't understand. Are you sure they have the right patient?" Mum's gaze is narrowed, looking between the screen of her tablet and the two of us. "Where is Ainsley?"

"I need to go in to confirm, but, I'm sure. And we can't get a hold of her," Eric replies, tightening a strap at my back that makes it hard to breathe as the bulletproof vest squeezes my frame. "If you see her, tell the little shit to contact me." He circles me like a lion to its prey, making sure everything is in place, then he turns to my mum. "Is Richie awake?"

"I will let him sleep, he's had quite a rough time the past few days. I'll have him come to you when he wakes."

Eric nods, messing with the fasteners on the helmet to adjust to the size of my head, before fixing it into place. He lifts the visor, lowering to speak to me with eye contact.

"Okay?" he asks as my mum vanishes, leaving us in peace. I give him a half-smile in reply. "There are four of my men coming with us. Two will walk ahead and two close behind. We'll go the long way around the outskirts to get there." He studies my face, noticing that I'm both nervous and confused with everything. "You'll be safe with me. There is close to no chance of coming into contact with anyone on the way, especially at this time. I'm not hiding you from the rest of the dome. That's not fair on you. So, are you ready?"

"Yeah," I answer quietly, a layer of sweat coating my skin from the heat of the outfit and anxiousness. "Thank you, for not keeping me locked up."

Eric holds back a smirk, flipping down my visor and turning to speak to his men.

It takes us nearly forty-five minutes to get there. Eric had tried to talk me through what he saw on the file on route, but I was more focused on our surroundings and trying not to pass out from heat exhaustion.

He tells me to keep my helmet on as we follow an older nurse onto the third floor, down the hallway of a quiet section in the medical building. She tilts her head in the direction of the last door on the left. "He should be awake."

Taking a deep breath, wondering if I'm going to see who I think, I push it open, Eric close behind me. The place is nearly blinding from the multiple lights, white decor, and shiny marble flooring. The smell of antiseptic cleaners fills my nostrils like it had when I was in the maintenance room earlier, and it causes my stomach to turn at the thought of what Robbie had said. But the beeping sounds coming from machines echo off the walls, forcing my attention on what the hell is happening.

Robbie can wait. His threats can wait.

Ainsley should be here with us. I quickly look down at my band, about to send her yet another message when I hear a soft, familiar voice. My head snaps up, arms falling to my sides as we make our way into the room.

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