The First Question

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Philosophers without being the scientists' competitors nor trying to discourage them, have a few questions...

Such as:

Why something exists instead of not existing?

This is the crucial riddle that has been shattering the minds of philosophers for millennia.

And the answer of this question, the thinkers also tell us, could explain everything, absolutely everything!

And yet, the philosophers would curb our enthusiasm assuring us that this is one mystery we will never be able to solve.

And if this mystery wasn't enough, there are all the other equally bewildering conceptual problems that revolve around this essential puzzle.

Such as the definition of "nothing."

If we could define "nothing", then it should be "something", shouldn't it?

Deists, of course, have the answer: God.

But why does God exist instead of not?

And here we start again ... not going anywhere!

Do I think that I got a better answer to these mysteries?

Not really, but what was strange was that my sudden idea of the similarity of a thought with a universe brought out of my knowledge interesting connections and associations.

And I asked myself: regarding its emergence and expansion, then its life and end, is there "something" that resembles our universe?

And answer came to my mind: ... reason.

More explicitly the "materializations" of the reason into awareness: the thoughts, the ideas and well, ... the dreams.

I have to agree that at first glance the comparison seems totally absurd.

An ephemeral thought, an immaterial and abstract idea or a dream that usually we cannot even remember, can those be compared to a universe?

Think about a thought.

It can appear from nothing.

There are thoughts that occur spontaneously, out of nowhere. All of a sudden an idea, a thought come to our mind!

Nothingness ... and then a Big Bang.

Roughly every stage of the Big Bang may have an analogy in the appearance of a spontaneous thought.

First, it is that initial instant right after the Big Bang burst. The period when the basic elements, the matter forerunners clot and when time and space appear. This may correspond to the entry of a thought into consciousness.

Then the matters of the universe orders into particles, atoms and molecules. Our thoughts clarify, the consciousness understands them.

Own and Independent Time.

The dimension of time of thoughts is not related to that of the man who thought them. These thoughts may include usual actions that involve a procession of events that imply the existence of time.

Projected into the human reality, the thoughts lose their temporary dimension. The whole procession of events is being compressed to an almost simultaneous existence equal to that fraction of time necessary for that thought to occur.

No matter how long it takes for the event to happen inside a thought, in real life, from pop-up to end it takes just a small fraction of time if not no time at all.

There is also the reversed situation when we are experiencing the time of our thoughts as "real" or the "reference time" and the time from our reality as distorted.

When does this happen?

Think about the dreams!

Dreams may be a way of our brains to explore our thoughts; with other words, dreams are our brains live the thoughts. And then, during these explorations of our thought, we "live" in a different time dimension.

We all recall dreams that seemed to have lasted all night and eventually ended due to a strong feeling from reality: we felt cold, the alarm clock goes off, too much light disturbed us...

Studies show that these dreams take only the fraction of time between the beginning of perception of the external stimulus and the actual awakening.

With other words what occurred in the dream may have happened in minutes, hours or days, in fact, in real time, it took only a fraction of a second.

Unlike the thought during the state of awakening which time is projected into our reality, when we dream the situation is reversed; the time of reality expands because it is projected into the dream.

Another very interesting fact is that we cannot control our thoughts. There is no mechanism or action to make a though disappear. We can get rid of a thought if we are distracted, but while we are thinking we cannot make it go away.

If you think about it, this is very interesting in the context of discussing why "something" exists instead of not existing.

As long as a thought exists we are just passive witnesses to its existence. And also we cannot explain what sustains its existence. If we knew what "supports" a thought we might be able to suppress it.

We don't take into account the radical, physical interventions, but a "noninvasive" mechanism to reverse the occurrence of thought.

And there is something else equally interesting: we cannot control the time pace of a thought.

Try to think something slower ...

A dream is a thought which becomes a reality of our consciousness where the time of "awake" reality "no longer relevant".

As a coincidence, physicists trying to explain the universe are somehow comforted by the idea that the time before the Big Bang is, was ... irrelevant.

The End.

A thought may have any of the ends that physicists foresaw to our universe: A thought can instantly disappear in a cycle of successive thoughts - Cyclic universes theory. It may slowly fade into nothingness, which would be similar to the Great Frost theory.

Consider a simple thought such as "I will build a house." or "I'll buy a car." or "I will go on a holiday.".

"Each of these thoughts will produce instantly a universe in which all events will exist simultaneously. The thought does not contain only the static image of the house, car or holiday resort hotel, but we already have a brief sequence of the events of how we get to do these things.

Of course we can have timeless thoughts of a static concept, but many times there are remarkable resemblances between the emergence and existence of the Universe and a thought.

Not all thoughts can be compared with universes, but there are some, which present the features, described so far and which make the assertion that there are similarities between thoughts and universes not so far fetched.

Now, even if we were to agree that an universe can be compared with a thought, can our universe be in fact just the virtual result of a mere thought?

Absolutely not! This would be the first impulse.


Because our universe is real, whereas a thought occurs in our imagination which is unreal ...


End of The First Question

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