A Thousand Crows' Screech

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A Thousand Crows’ Screech

swirling, creamy froths,
the clouds hold the
sloping sun’s
harsh burgundy.

a whip’s crack
erupts –
sky’s white disperses.

winged shadow
-flap, fold-
exposed to Earth’s
burning orb.
young wings
skin webbed
upon ridged,
airborne bones.

four bent limbs
-graced with curved
talons –
clasp invisible
scaled armor,
like jagged fangs,
grace the fledgling’s

elegant neck,
-human arm’s length-
sleek lizard skull opens,
exposes babe canines.
throat ripples and throbs
as a smoky roar
-like the symphony
of a thousand crows’
blisters through.

carnivorous, olive slits
alter into bottomless, fiery red
as roar transmutes
to flames.

encased in smoky curls,
infant creature of
shoots towards
dimming heaven
to be encased
once more.


Author's Note: This poem was inspired by a simile I found in Mr. Rob May's story, DRAGON KILLER - "It cried out: a harsh, scraping kyyyrrrrk, like a thousand crows all screaming in unison."

P.S. I do recommend you check out his story! I know you can't copy and paste here, so look for it under my reading list. 


Thanks for reading! ^^

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