EWWNC: Spider-Man 2 (2004)

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Everything Wrong With Nostalgia Critic on Spider-Man (2004)


0:37 Again with Doug, manipulating a scene by taking out a part of it and taking away the context. Apart from that, I don't understand your point.

1:03 Yeah, but I'm already getting the feeling that your "certain point of view" is just gonna be more ignorant, contradicting and even more ridiculous than in the last Spider-Man review.

1:52 Uh... what?

2:04 Seeing how shite that TLA movie was, I don't think EVERYBODY wants a sequel on that garbage. Ever.

2:34 - 2:42 I don't see a difference between those critics, since they're both still the same incompetent manchild that we know today.

3:51 You forget that Peter is a socially awkward guy, even after he became Spider-Man. He hadn't made many friends back at school and hasn't made any friends at college, since he's fixed on studying and saving lives around New York.

4:40 If you were as sympathetic as you'd believe to be, then you'd understand that Aunt May is still struggling with the loss of her husband. And with money issues caving in, it's adding more emotional strain. And after Peter admitted his mistakes to her, May already understood that he was being selfish and didn't know any better at the time. It's not her being "loopy", it's her own way of punishing Peter that doesn't involve hurting him.

5:02 Mary Jane told Peter she's seeing someone, cos she's moving on, not doing it out of spite. Peter wasn't being fully clear that if he's ready for a relationship with her or not. And when Mary Jane told Peter, it's letting him know that the doors are closing in on him, unless he uses his last shot.

5:54 Well yeah, cos Harry told Octavius that.

5:57 And I should say that being a Critic isn't a privilege, it's an occupation. Being an asshole is a privilege.

6:32 Octavius is giving Peter advice on how to get Mary Jane closer to him, since he clearly has feelings for her, but isn't entirely sure how to confess his love to her. Poetry may be old class, but it's a gift.

6:47-6:55 I'm sorry, but what was the joke here? In the first part of the scene, there was little traffic about, but then in the next part, there was more traffic going on about.

7:05 I'll admit, that extra and the way she was still looking upward, even though Spider-Man literally went past her. Thankfully, she's not a member of Channel Awesome.

7:15 What's with the uproar joke? Honestly, if Bruce Campbell *Was* Mysterio, I'd be pretty stoked.


8:06 Doug doesn't know how cameos work.

8:21 "Doug makes a pop culture reference that isn't an issue of the movie" cliché.

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