Chapter 25 | You're Doing Great at the Whole Motivational Thing

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Hanging out with Ace at "Coffee Hideout" the Saturday morning after finals week was a tradition I still gladly welcomed.

The steaming cup of coffee in front of me was the only thing that could calm me down after an entire week of studying. I had found myself caught up between distorted French sentences and poetry lines that made me want to press the backspace button to wipe out the entire summer.

Our little coffee shop trip was also a welcome escape from my empty apartment. I had lived in it for three years alone. But after having company for a few days, it felt much larger than it used to be, and I had no idea what to do with myself now that I only had my internship to keep up with.

At least, I thought I would have no other reasons to worry, but Ace had a better idea.

"You're not saying what I think you're saying," I told him.

I was disappointed to see that each new sip ruined the stack of books drawn with cream in my coffee a little more.

"I've been talking to Sebastian a lot lately—"

"You picked hanging out with the guy who brought along your breakup instead of studying with me like I asked you to? It's good to see where your priorities lie."

He dismissed the comment with his hand and pulled his chair forward as though he was about to tell me a secret.

"He's not nearly as annoying as he seems. I asked him to teach me some piano things, and I've been reading stuff about dance. I know that's not much." He ran a hand through his dark hair, forgetting about the coffee waiting patiently for him on the table. "I've only now realized that Emma always bought into every new interest I've had—she came along on an ice-cream chase with no hesitation—and I can't say I've done the same."

"You're saying you want her back?" I asked and sighed because I had expected it and because I couldn't picture Emma getting over it that easily.

"Why didn't you stop me?" He grimaced when he took a sip of the lukewarm coffee in front of him.

"If you weren't so impulsive and thought it through, you'd have realized what a huge mistake that would be. A break..." I couldn't help but laugh as I remembered what he had called it even though I could sense him glaring holes into my skull.

"Well, she's mad now. She won't even talk to me."

"I wouldn't say she's mad, Ace," I said, and he stared at me, expecting an elaboration I hadn't prepared.

I used my coffee to buy myself some time to come up with a justification for what I had just said as a reflex to comfort him.

"Well, you know Emma. She's always all in. She's really good at showing it too. I guess the issue is that it's a little harder to see that you care and that she's not just another one of those hobbies of yours that you never stick to."

He leaned back on his stool and his back rested against the wall. "I've forgotten how to talk to her. Suggestions?"

"That's ridiculous. You know her better than I do. What's stopping you from telling her exactly how you feel right now?" Then a chuckle escaped my mouth though I tried to hold it back. "I mean, besides the fact that she's avoiding you and doesn't want to see you."

"You're doing great at the whole motivational thing." He swallowed the rest of his coffee with a scowl on his face, but a small smile still appeared on his lips.

"You've taught me everything I know." I grinned as I played with the napkin, folding it with fake origami moves that gave me nothing more in the end than a lump.

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