Chapter 7

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He instantly caught the strong musty odor that was all too familiar.

"Michael," Bree made a sweeping gesture to beside her as she began introductions. "This is Toren Grettly, Toren, this is Officer Michael Bennim."

The bear stared at him a moment before offering his hand, which Toren accepted. The man's hand engulfed his. He wasn't all that small for a man, but he felt like a midget, the way his hand had disappeared beneath the calloused palm of the bear.

"I didn't realize it was you, who was looking to rent," Michael commented.

Bree gave a soft, "oh," glancing between them. "You two have met?"

Toren smiled, shoving his hand in his pocket when the bear let him go. "Yeah, kinda ran into him on my first day here."

Michael's eyes almost disappeared as he laughed, a warm smile making them light up. "Almost literally."

He gave a sheepish shrug, "I was a little distracted, not much of a day person."

There was humor in Michael's tone as he responded, "clearly." It was easy to see he was referencing earlier.

The bear wasn't as intimidating, the more he got to know him. It made him relax a little. He could get used to the strong presence of the larger predator.

Bree gave Michael an astonished look before clearing her throat. "Right then, should we head in?"

Michael grunted and produced a key, walking up the front steps to unlock the door.

They all walked inside and Toren immediately liked the place. The interior, while devoid of furniture, felt cozy and he could see how he could easily turn it into his nest, so to speak.

Michael gave a very.... Brief tour. He gestured to rooms and grunted out one or two words, like: "kitchen" or "dining room."
Bree filled in the rest with a few nervous laughs and more detailed explanations.
It was a single bedroom home, one bathroom, a kitchen and dining room, along with it's own laundryroom. It had laundry hook-ups, but no actual machines, however Michael did add that he was thinking of getting a new set after noticing Toren's face scrunch up in thought.
It was almost amusing, he started to notice little things about Michael. Either he was desperate for a renter, or he wanted Toren to be the one to rent it. He noticed when Toren was a bit disgruntled by something and was always quick to say he'd fix it or make a change.
Toren didn't even realize how many different expressions he made until the bear began to make him self aware.

When the tour was over, they ended up back on the front porch.
Bree was showing Toren the basic renter's contract and they were talking through the details of it, while Michael looked on hopefully, adding a comment here or there.

Toren chuckled, "I like this place a lot, but I'd like to sleep on it."

"Of course, take as much time as you need." Bree handed him the papers.

He folded them and glanced around the yard. "Would I be able to do anything with this?" He asked, genuinely curious. He'd never tried his hand at gardening, but it sounded like it might be fun to try.

Michael scratched at his scruff in thought, then glanced back over his shoulder. "Out back, as long as it's nothing too drastic. We could work it out."

Toren nodded. "Well, I'll be going now. I'll let you know what I decide as soon as possible, it was nice to see you again, Michael."

They shook hands and Toren said his thanks to Bree before leaving.

On his way back to the bed and breakfast he got a call and answered it, putting it on speakerphone.

"Hey, Toren, this is Pops from the hardware store, you got a minute?"

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