Chap 25 A meeting

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Today I met few business deligates. But My mind is totally occupied with her thoughts. Is she changing me ? Yes! For better. My mind said. Her little gestures and cute talks melting my heart. She look so innocent. Am I misjudging her? But what I see can't be wrong. What I hear can't be wrong.
My thoughts riverine broke down when I recieved a pat on my back. I saw the person who was standing behind my back.
"Advitiya ! "

I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"What a pleasant surprise Arun. What are you doing in Dubai?
And what is wrong with you! You look distressed". I saw him from head to toe. His eyes has sunken. His face has lost all charm.

"Let me sit Advitya. I explain everything". He sat next to me.
"I am here to snoop on our telecom minister. He is corrupt."

"That is ok. I know you must be on some work. But what has happened to you? :"

"What?" He replied.

"You know what I mean Arun! I am asking you about your physique".

"I am well and good". He smiled weakly.

"Don't tell me you still thinking about that traitor". I asked

He looked in my eyes.

"I married her sister!" He said

"What"! I was so shocked to hear what he said.

"You remember just before your departure to Dubai we ment in a bar. We saw a bar tender there. Who looked so innocent. Then you warned me. It was actually her sister."  He said.

I was watching him in surprise.

"What did you do"? I asked.

"The moment I got to know about her, I followed her. And made her believe me. Then I married her. She was struggling in her life. She was not alone. She has a young brother also. I tried to take revenge on her. For all the misdeeds her sister did.  But failed miserably. I used to scold her for small mistakes. But She was too innocent. And so different. One day I slapped her" ... And..

I interjected

"You did what"? I asked him again.

"I slapped as I thought she was snooping on me. My past wounds got freshen. I slapped her with all my might. And then next day.. she was gone.. I searched her every where. But I couldn't able to find her". He replied.

"You did wrong Arun"! I said.

"I know. She was placing my files on right place and I thought she is searching some information". He said

"Then what happened!" I asked

"I know it's her who made her escape". He clenched his jaw.

Who? I asked.

"There is one , her best friend. Who protects her from every one. She works in same bar as well. I too never get to find her. She was vanished too." He replied.

"And her brother".?

"He is a  teenage boy. Tries to protect both the girls." He replied.

"What now"! I asked.

"I don't know! I ... I missed her". He replied.

"You love her"?. I asked

He saw me with different emotion. He smiled weakly.
"What is the use now. even if I like her.  She is gone."

"Move on Arun. Forget her, you did wrong with her". "Move on" I tried to counsel him.

"What do you think what I am doing from so many months"! He replied.

I pat his back. He took his wine glass . And drank in a one go.

"You are married too". He said. I know he was Trying to deflect conversation.

"Aww Addy are you blushing"! He asked

Did I blush? My mind asked.

"It's nothing Arun. It's for the mission."  I defended myself.

"Is she one of us"? He asked.

What should I say? I thought.

"Yes & No!" I replied.

"What do you mean Addy"! He asked

"Well she is a messenger, working for us". I replied.

"What"? He asked


"How did you agree.? The Addy I know was never wanted to marry a girl of that sort!"He said

"That is why it is just a mission. And a contract. Chief thinks she is perfect for the mission. Innocent, docile, and "...

"Beautiful?" He asked

I closed my eyes in irritation. Yes she is the most beautiful girl I ever have seen in my life. My mind said.

I nodded on his words.

"So she is ok too with contract commitment. ? That means she is in the mission for honey trapping?" He smirked in annoyance.

I nodded.

"Wow, unbelievable! We stoop to this level! Now some honey trapper will accompany us in the missions. Now don't tell me Addy she is some sl...!!"

"Arun"! I shouted

He stopped in between.

"Don't say a word ! She is my wife". I shouted

I saw him, he was looking amazed.

"Relax Addy! I didn't mean to hurt you buddy". He said.

There is a silence for few seconds.

"Do you love..

No! I replied before he completes.

"It is just i respect the relationship. And until she is my wife , she will get the respect." I replied.

He nodded.

"And our relation is purely professional. She is getting trained for the mission". I said.

"Now let's go!" I asked him to come with me.
"Not today Addy but I will definitely come to meet you at your house".

"So what do I call her! Bhabhi"?(sister in law)? He asked.

"Her name is Adh"...
Before I complete , someone called Arun.  He received the call.

"Ok , i have to rush Addy, will catch up with you soon. Telecom is going somewhere. I need to follow him. And she is bhabhi for me"! He winked
"Ok bye brother." With that he left the place.

I too took an exit from the door. And made my way to house. I saw the watch, it shows half past 12. While driving I remember Arun and mine conversation. He should not have thought about her like that. But didn't you think same about her. My mind asked.
No! I screamed in annoyance. May be I am wrong. May be she is not what Arun think. I won't allow anyone to call her names. She is my wife. Advitiya Shekhar's wife. I clenched my fist in anger and drove back to home.


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