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She was woken up hours later by the same maid from before aggressively shaking her.

"Get up! The don wants you in his office now!"

"W-what did I do?"

"I don't know, maybe he came to his senses and figured out how much of a slut you are."

"I'm not a bad word."

"I don't have time for this just get up and follow me to the Don's office."

Lily nodded and quickly got up to follow the maid whose name she didn't even know yet.

They finally reached a huge double door where the maid told her to knock and left.

Lily was trembling with fear not knowing what was awaiting her as she knocked on the door.

"Enter." A stern voice answered.

She quietly entered shutting the door behind her.

"Take a seat."

She quietly took a seat trying hard not to make a noise.

"We have to talk, Lily."

"G-o on."

"You're not going to be locked in a room all day for the rest of your life for something that wasn't your fault, Lily. And as you already know you aren't leaving anytime soon, I've already told you that you'll be helping here in the mansion that's why I called you here, I want you to choose what you want to work as."

"W-what are the choices?"

"You may help the cooks with the cooking or the maids with the cleaning or the gardeners with the gardening."

"Uhm I would like to help the cooks please."

"Alright, your schedule will be from 7 A.M till 10 P.M with breaks of course. Any remarks?"

"No, thank you, sir."

"You may leave."

She quietly got up from her seat and left.


She couldn't sleep that night, her mind was clouded with thoughts of her parents and how they were coping with her disappearance. Was her mother taking her medication on time? Did her dad go back to his old smoking habits to forget the pain?

She finally fell asleep at around 4 A.M after a long night of overthinking and crying.

Very sorry for the short chapter but I finish finals in two days and will be uploading longer chapters then, until then please vote and comment, it really motivates me to write <3

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