Chapter sixteen

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"Myra!" Arles called for his little sister as he found her randomly walking in the corridors of second Gray family mansion.

"What happened Arles?" She asked confused as he approached her.

"Our few friends have invited us to party. You are coming with us and these are Dad and Victor's words." Myra groaned in displeasure. She seriously didn't wanted to go out in such cold and harsh weather.

"I think I'll pass. I am completely fine here."

"Nah sweet little sister! We are going to hear none of your excuses. You are coming and that is final. Max is coming with us too." He tried to pull her somewhere but she remain standing on her ground. But eventually he managed to drag her.

"Who are these friends of yours?" Myra rolled her eyes as he pulled her down the stairs.

"You will see." He gave her a look.

"I swear to god Arles, if you three are again pulling some kind of prank on me, I am going to claw your eyes out." Arles mockingly winced at her threat.

"Don't worry we are not going to throw you into a cold freezing pool today or colour your hair bubblegum pink as you sleep." Enrique's voice sounded. Of course the triplets had pulled several pranks on her. They liked to get on her nerves and annoy her like no extent.

Enrique and Emilio were already standing near their brand new sport cars. Myra also noticed Max there.

"Max! I don't want to go. Tell them to stop." Myra immediately started whining. She was well aware how Max disliked going to parties just like her. They must have forced him too but he could say no anytime. Max raised his brow silently and continued to smoke without saying a word. Myra again groaned out in anger and frustration.

"Ouch! Looks like your second favorite bubbie is not going to help you today. Like always he's not on your side, Myra." Emilio commented and sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"Oh wow, Myra! You are going to the party in this." Camila came in front of them. She was wearing a short black dress, a maroon leather jacket and an almost 10 inch high heels that looked like death traps. Her bare legs made Myra shiver. It was freezing out there and Camila looked unaffected.

Camila couldn't control her laugh as she looked at Myra. Camila didn't wanted to sound rude but she find the sight of Myra quite amusing.

She was wearing plain jeans along with a oversized warm black hoodie that actually didn't belonged to her. Myra had stolen this hoodie from Enrique's wardrobe. Crazy that Enrique hadn't even noticed it yet.

"Well she is not a bloodsucking vampiress who don't feel cold like normal human being." Emilio commented with a roll of his eyes.

"I am not a vampiress! I am just hot headed. But I see that your sister has no knowledge or taste of fashion." Myra just remained quiet. Camila made her feel something weird and this weirdness was making her brain hurt.

"Myra! I think I can let you lend some dresses of min--"

"Shut the fuck up! It's her choice what she wears or not. I suggest you to keep your tongue in control. About lending the clothes, I think you are the one who is in need of them most of the time." Arles said angrily. Camila's jaw clenched and she gritted her teeth. But a second later, she smiled and stated calmly.

"Let's get going. Others must be waiting." She put her sunglasses on even though it was the night time and confidently approached her car.

Myra watched her every move. She looked at Arles.

"This was rude. She must have felt hurt." She whispered staring at Camila who slid in the car.

"I don't think so! Her ego is a little bruised. Nothing big." Enrique chuckled.

"But still we should apolo--" Emilio cut her off.

"We are going to take our every hoodie back that you stole from our closets if you even think about apologizing." That made Myra shut her mouth. First in shock that her triplets brothers noticed everything and they never said anything to her and second she didn't wanted to give those hoodies back. They were just so comfy.

They followed her car to a scheduled area and finally they reached a club. Myra noticed that there was no other one beside the staff members. The loud and body vibrating music was still there.

"Whose club is this?" Myra whispered to Enrique as she looked around.

"It's one of Crimson brothers' property." He answered.


They moved into a pretty private room. Myra's senses were immediately engulfed by the smell of smoke and alcohol. She scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Well well well. Look at this. Who finally decided to grace our presence?" Myra looked at this guy who stood up on his drunken legs. Camila laughed holding his body.

"Alaricus! You are saying this wrong and where is Damien?" Without answering, he pushed her away and came in front of Myra's brothers. He threw his body in Max's direction to hug him who swiftly moved out of the way. Alaricus almost fell but chuckling he held his balance.

"Did your mommy gave you permission to come here, Alaricus?" Arles said in a teasing tone.

"Fuck you bitch!" Alaricus cursed at him but bro hugged him. Following Enrique and Emilio.

"Ok ok ok. It's enough. Don't puke on me." Emilio joked as Alaricus kept hugging him. William's youngest son was just so drunk that he couldn't even stand properly.

Myra was suddenly having bad feeling about this when Alaricus turned his attention to her.

"A fairy?" He whispered awestruck at her sight. The group of guys behind him hollered in loud laughter. Even triplets and Camila were snickering. Clueless Myra just moved behind Max's back to hide.

"Ayo fairy! Don't go please." He yelled.

"Calm down boo. Remember that this fairy is like your big sister." Arles reminded him because triplets surely didn't forget the time when Alaricus asked Myra for dance by blushing and giving her lovey dovey eyes.

Check out my book 'Her Five Protectors'.....❤️

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