Chapter 16

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Grimm Pov

  The air around me is dank and fraught with memories. They are memories of wise men long passed. They lie unperturbed by my presence in their glass coffins. I am desperate for their guidance.

  I pace among the bodies looking for a sign. They ignore me in favor of their rest. They do not sit up to chant at me and my mate's corpse has not appeared. Still, I am hopeful.

  Footsteps echo down ancient stone stairs. I am not surprised to see Breuer standing at the bottom of them. He stands fixed with his usual look of disappointment. It is a look I know too well.

  "So, this is where you decided to fuck off to", he pushes his tongue into his cheek, "do you have any idea just how pathetic you are?".

  "Things are better like this", I stare down at my father's face desperate for him to tell me I'm wrong.

  Breuer comes to stand at the other side and slams his palm to the glass top, "that was a real question".

  "Do I know that I drugged myself, started unnecessary wars, and almost killed the love of my life?".

  He shakes his head, "you're a coward".

  "Am I a coward for not choosing to traumatize for further?", I ask.

  "You are a coward for choosing to shirk your responsibilities", he scolds, "do you have any idea what I would give to have my wife and daughter back? At least your mate is still alive".

  "I am sorry about what happened but, Some things cannot be undone", I say.

  "You could've been great", he says, "you do not deserve to stand among these men".

  He turns his back on me, "she needs you". With that, he returns the way he came.

  I stay as I am long after the day fades to night. Breuer was right about my cowardice how can I face her after what I've done? How can I lie next to her holding the weight of my sins? It is simply too much to bear. So I stay praying for guidance I do not deserve; sleep comes sooner.

  I wake to the feeling that I am no longer alone. Looking around I find him standing near the stairs watching me. Breuer must have come back to further admonish me. I am delirious with fatigue and guilt. I know I am nothing short of a self-pitying fool, and I lash out despite myself.

  "What else?", I scream, "I know I failed her". He says nothing he stays at his place in the shadows watching me. I can only imagine how much he is enjoying this. How smug he must feel. He warned me years ago of my father's stale blood. I should have broken through my state then. If I had I'd have only abused her for a few months. She would have been hurt, but not broken.

  "I know you love her", my voice breaks, "she loves you too".

  I am small in both my voice and spirit, "I've seen how she looks at you. It's how I wish she'd look at me. I can never be good enough for her. I can never earn her love. She can never rebuild with me around. Please, just be good to her".

  He takes a step closer and then again. As he draws nearer I immediately realize something about him isn't right. The weight in his step and hold of his shoulders is malignant. He comes only until his shoes peak out.

  "What?", I call out, "is that not enough?".

  "You know this was fun at first but, it's not what I'm looking for", it is not Breuer's voice that says these words.

  "Who-", he interrupts me.

  "I intend to own you in your entirety", he says, "I promise the better you are for me the better the reward".

  "Who are you?", I shout readying myself for a fight.

  He steps into the light. He is horribly deformed. He is as ugly on the outside as in having stopped being a man in favor of a grotesque beast. A drooling fanged creature. He has shed skin in favor of scales or fur.  His hands were no longer such but instead knife-like talons. Gold eyes stare back at mine. My own eyes.

  I stumble back tripping over my feet. My back hits the ground and he draws closer still. He moves with all cruelness and confidence. He is a man comfortable in his awfulness. He stops in front of me and kneels.

  His smiling face is only inches from mine. His hot breath fans over my face reeking of old blood. I am surprised when he offers a hand to me.



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