Chapter Five

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Authors Note: [EDITED] my stupid ass decided to initially write this chapter in third person and I honestly have no idea why I did that. I've read over it and I do like it, so I'll keep it, but just note that the rest of the book is written in Faith's POV unless stated otherwise.

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For the first time since Faith Crawford entered the Luciano estate, she was able to step outside on the freshly manicured lawn.  Her head tilted backwards as she stood in awe, her attention on the massive double doors that led into the home.  She then focused on the driveway in front of her. It was paved in a tan brick design; a large, flowing fountain right in the middle of the circle.  Off to the right was another building the size of her own home back in Maryland where five garage doors sat side-by-side, closed.

Commotion; talking, laughing, and hush mumbling was heard around her as she focused in on the people in front of her. Alex and Luis were standing behind one of the two cars that were on and ready for the journey to the airport.  They both stood huddled behind a white range rover, the trunk open, as they piled luggage in the back.  Faith watched as Will brushed past her without a word, two suitcases in his hand as he dropped them as his friend's feet - waiting for them to load his luggage in as well.

This was all too much. The past 48 hours of her life had been a whirlwind; from being locked up in a basement, to coming up stairs and meeting her kidnappers.  It was frustrating; all she truly knew was the simple fact that she was - somehow - involved with the mafia, that two families wanted her, and she was taken by the mysterious, yet, strikingly handsome, Liam Luciano.  But why? Why is he protecting me? Was the question that echoed in her mind, repeating itself over, over, and over again.

She raised a hand to her forehead, where a nice sized knot was beginning to form; a knot Liam had caused. The knot was certainly his fault, but Faith knew she had been in the wrong to spit on him. She antagonized him and he retaliated.

Faith nearly jumped as she felt a presence behind her, making her whirl around. The grip she had on her measly suitcase loosened, and the heel of her foot rested on the edge of the steps, causing her to lose balance.  Her mouth formed an 'O' as she felt herself flailing her arms.  It was happening quick; too quick.  But just as fast as she had lost her balance, she felt a grip on her arm, stopping her from falling. 

She focused on Liam as he stood there, his hand still wrapped around her arm, stopping her. He looked completely unamused; his facial expressions showing boredom.  Liam pulled her back up on her two feet as he pointed to her dropped luggage.  "Grab those, Will," He nodded, speaking over her shoulder.

For a split second he glanced back at Faith, only causing her cheeks to flush under his intense stare. His jaw clenched as he turned without a word, jogging down the two steps and onto the pavement. Faith breathed a sigh of relief before whispering, "Thank you," to an unaware Luciano.

Gathering her composure, she turned around. Alex was already in the driver's seat of the Rover, the car geared and ready to go. Luis got her attention, waving slightly. "It was nice to meet you, Miss Crawford! I hope to see you again," He shot a curt, quick nod in her direction before climbing into the passenger seat.

Sighing, Faith landed on the pavement as William gathered her belongings; but instead of putting it in the back with their stuff, he started hauling it in another direction.  She frowned, confused as she jogged to keep up with him. "Wait, Will, where are you taking my-" He turned the corner, continuing his strides as Faith stopped dead in her tracks.

A blacked out Audi R8 sat on the driveway, the purr of the engine filling the air around them. Will tossed her luggage in the trunk as Faith slowly rotated around her dream car. The rims were shiny and stylish, a crisp, metallic black color. The body of the black car blended with the black rims and tinted windows, the only ounce of color that Faith noted, were the red brake calipers that had been specially requested by the owner of the car. She looked up at William, who was standing there, a boyish grin on his face.

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