Chapter 15: Angry Brothers

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The sudden rush of bitterness when he saw his brother speaking to his wife had surprised Marcus.

Following their awkward exchange, Dash bowed curtly. "I shall return to the ball." He turned on his heel and stalked away.

"One moment," Marcus muttered to Rain before following his brother. "Dash!"

The younger man stopped and turned around, his expression wary as he watched him approach. Marcus wasn't sure what he wanted to say, or how, just that he needed to say something before he exploded with pent up anger.

"Did you not once think to dissuade me of my belief that you had slept with my wife?" he asked, rather impressed by the impassive tone of his voice.

Dash visibly flinched at the question before standing up straighter and raising his chin. "You never asked."

"You could have bloody well told me!" The anger made him snap, and he could see his brother's blue eyes widen at the rare show of emotion.

"I suppose I did not think it mattered," Dash muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Or did you hope she would leave me for you?"

Dash's gaze faltered. "I know fully that would never happen. Divorcing you would cause a scandal she could never recover from."

He might not be great at reading emotions, but Marcus was rather certain his brother harboured feelings for Rain. Dash had never admitted as much, but all the signs pointed to it.

"She asked me for an annulment," he admitted glumly.

"She did?" Dash perked up.

"You do not need to look so excited about it." Marcus levelled him with a glare. "She will never get one. They are nearly impossible to come by."

"True. But still..."

Marcus took a step closer to his brother, holding his gaze. "Dash. We will never have that annulment. Whatever feelings you may have for my wife, I suggest you bury them deep and never speak of them."

His brother took a step backwards as if someone had slapped him. "What? I..." His blue eyes turned hard. "She never should have married you. It should have been me! I was her friend. We got along splendidly. Then you had to sweep in with your title and steal her right in front of me!"

"At the time, I did not realise that was how you felt. You never made your intentions known." Marcus sighed. "If I had known..."

"You might have done exactly the same thing," Dash bit out. "She was everything you needed. I know the estate was in trouble, and you would do anything to save it. To ensure your tenants did not starve, or you had to let servants go."

"I..." Truth be told, Marcus had never realised his brother knew in how much trouble they had been.

Dash sighed. "I would never want to be in your shoes. The responsibilities. The duty to your title. No, thank you. It is not for me. I have never envied you anything. Not even Father's attention when he would give me little more than a cursory look..." He met Marcus's eyes, and there was a sadness in the blue depths that was like a punch in his gut. "But there was one thing I wanted. One thing that could have been mine. And you took her too."

Marcus cleared his throat. "You realise no one could make Rain do anything? She chose who to marry. I only threw my hat in the ring."

"I know." Dash smiled wryly. "But please allow me my bitterness. I have little strife in my life. Maybe this will make me more appealing to the ladies. That whole tortured brooding look that I can never quite achieve."

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