Chapter 8

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"I was raised by the Starlight pack, in the orphanage. I was bullied by everyone because I was a late shifter at 16 instead of thirteen like everyone else, but back to the beginning. Once the former Alpha was killed for saving me during an attack of rogues everyone blamed me. The Alpha only tried to save me and for that, I was bullied, became the pack's slave, and once the former Alpha son took over, that's when the beatings began.

When Carson took over, I was thrown in the dungeons. That is where on my 16th birthday I shifted alone for the first time. My wolf is the only family I have. She helped me through the beatings. After I shifted, we found our mate, who was none other than Carson himself. Once he found out he rejected me without delay and sat and watched me writhe in pain. 

He laughed at it, knowing how bad I was suffering. He enjoyed it like it was his favorite movie. Every year the beatings got worse. I have all the scars to prove that. After my 19th birthday, there was a memorial banquet held in his father's name. one of the guards after a beating forgot to lock my cell. I knew this was my only chance and I ran not knowing where I was going, or how I was going to survive I ran. This is most of what I told Abby in our first meeting. I did leave a few details out."

I took a breath knowing I needed to be clear and honest. "I knew if I stopped running Carson would not stop until I was dead. I was captured by rogues at one point, and they locked me away saying someone real special would pay to see me killed. They whipped me, beat me, tortured me in ways you could not bare to imagine. I knew if I did not escape, I would not live much longer. I escaped one night and instead of running, I set the place on fire. I did not know who all in the place was, there could have been families, children, I did not think about them.

I killed everyone in the cabin where I was being held. Without a second glance I just kept on running I would do anything not to go back no matter what it cost me. I for one definitely am not pure and for that, I know the prophecy has failed." 

I did not realize I was crying until I felt the sparks and warmth of my mate behind me. "Raylynn, can we see them, please we need to see exactly what happened to you." I did not hesitate. I just pulled up my shirt and all I heard were the gasps and Amanda screamed at the sight of my back.

 Within that I heard Lucian growl I felt the anger within the growl knowing he may lose control of his wolf at any second, so I hurry up and pulled my shirt back down. He and Andrew were standing eyes flashing colors fighting their wolves from taking over. 'Ray, they need to see for themselves I will keep Lucian wolf calm and Abby's wolf will keep Andrew's calm, but it is time to use our new power and show them.' I would never question my wolf she has always been my way of logic.

I looked right at Lucian, "Lucian I need to speak to your wolf for a second please?" he nodded, and I watched his ocean eyes go a lot brighter into that icy pair I love to see, his wolf is at the surface. "What is your name honey," knowing I need to know his wolf's name but also, I can do nothing to offend or hurt him at this second. 

When his voice rang out it was deeper and raspier than Lucian's, "Lucifer, my sweet, I am sorry I failed to protect you." You could feel the sadness in the words he spoke and the hurt in his eyes. "Lucifer it is not your fault, look in my eyes." I let Freyja come forward. 'It is not your or Lucian's fault. We need to show you both everything, but I need you to remain calm. Can you do that for us we need you to remain calm for us?" He nodded in response. 

We then looked at Abby and Andrew, "Same goes for the two of you. Abby, I need you to keep his wolf calm." She nodded and I knelt beside them. Motioning them to sit with me. "Everyone needs to join hands. That way when I grab one of Lucians and one of Amanda's my power will flow through them into you. You all need to see this." They did as I asked, both Lucian and Amanda held out their hands and I gulped knowing already where they were about to see but I grabbed them anyway.


I felt her power flow through me, when I opened my eyes, we were in the past. Standing outside cells in a dungeon. We were all together still, but I see Raylynn's head hanging low. She pointed to the back, so we all followed where she was pointing. A woman was in the cells in nothing but a bra and pants. She was covered in blood and was trying to raise her head up; she was savagely beaten. The doors open and a man walked in drunk off his ass. He opened the cell door and dragged the woman out by her head. When he lifted her to the light, I have seen her face.

It was Raylynn. I felt my blood boiling, but I felt her wolf inside my mind with Lucifer keeping him calm. He was shouting horrible words at her and punching her as if she were the enemy. Dragging her to the center of the cells stringing her arms above her head. Pouring vodka on her open wounds but she is trying not to scream. You could hear her hissing at the pain.

 I cannot stand seeing her like this, but she is opening to me and to understand I must see everything. He screamed at her once the service was over, he was going to take her, have his way with her, then he was going to slit her throat. That must be the night she ran.

We flickered through like a television screen to another time. She runs through the woods trying to find shelter. Then we went to where she was captured, I could not stand seeing her beat like that again instead I walked away through the place she was being held. Lucifer wanted to see who all was there. We walked through no one was innocent here, no children. That will ease her mind. They were all talking about a powerful man to come to visit and how he had his own leverage to keep her from ending his life. Everything was jumbled.

Until I heard the one man look in my direction like he was looking into my eyes warning me, and say the king is coming for his granddaughter, you have six months before his plan goes into action. In a flash, we were back in my office, and she was breathing heavy, and I grabbed her and hugged her like it was the last time I would see her. She looked into my eyes, "where did you go?" 

"Honey I went to see who was in the house there was no children only hitman for you." She took a deep breath and seemed to relax. "But I know who was behind them taking you he was on his way when you escaped." She looked at me everyone did. "Who did this?" "The king." That was all I could say, wondering how anyone could be so greedy to kill his own family for power. I walked over to her grabbed her chin not wanting to be too forceful. 

"Raylynn, you are my mate whether I am your second chance or first. I will stand by you no matter the cost, you are my Luna, and I will protect you." She looked up at me and smiled.

She stood up reaching and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I felt the sparks and could not believe she showed us affection. Lucifer is yelping and jumping like a puppy in my head. "Everyone let's go get some lunch and talk it is time everyone gets to know each other properly."

 I looked at her and smiled and led her to the kitchen. I meant every word she is mine and I am hers and I will give up my life to protect her. 

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