Thirty Two

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"Chiku seriously?
A bewildered Jeongguk asked coming inside of the bedroom with a tray filled with his fiancee' breakfast.

"I was just making your breakfast, My phone has already been getting blown by your messages. Jeeeeez."
Rolling his eyes he placed the tray on the nearby table.

"Hyungieeeee...I missed you Hyungie."
Taehyung mewled while rubbing his eyes trying to wipe his fakest ever possible tears. Where Jeongguk has a done face. He can't with this boy really.

When he gets a day off from the office, that day he can't even depart himself even from the other for a minute. He is not complaining though. Sometimes he even have to left a half boiled egg on the running stove, to only reach the shouting boy as soon as possible. But Now he is really regretting his past decision to teach the boy about texting and calling things. Sigh*

"Chiku, I have gone for just five minutes for Pete's sake after waking you up. To the damn kitchen and guess what you knew it too. Sigh*"
Jeongguk shook his head with a defeated sigh.

"Still I missed you Hyungie."(pout)
Taehyung replied while making grabby hands to the other to carry him.

"Chukle* You will be the death of me I swear."
Jeongguk said carrying the boy to his arm.

"Hyungieeeeee my kiss."
Taehyung puckers his lips for a lucily, and juicily kiss which jeongguk obviously obliged.

After retreating their lips,

"Everything was okay chiku, But cheating? Like seriously? Will you explain that part?"
Jeongguk asked knitting his brows making the other gulp.

Oh no I think I will die now. By by world.

"A-h y- that was just mistakenly forwarded to you."
Taehyung reasoned wiggling his body from the other's firm grip who is now death glaring at him making him shiver more.

Think something idiot think something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't just tell him you got jealous by a life less kitchen where he spents his time most.

"A-h umm yeah..cough*'s... okay fine umm what if you were cheating on me with our maid, yon aunt hah?"

Yon Aunt? Seriously Taehyung?

"Scoff* She is 45 years old lady chiku, Do you think of me as a pedophile?"

"A-h N-o-..but anything can happen with you at anytime you know-

"And why so?"
Jeongguk asked cutting the other off with knitted brows.

"Because you are so charming. Handsome, Anyone would fall fo-Ahhhhhh..."

Taehyung shouted when he got pushed to their bed suddenly with the other hovering over him.

"(Gritted teeth) Beside being Charming and handsome I am a taken man too. If you lost your memories!!!"

"Blush* Only we know it Hyungie but no one oth-

"You don't trust me?"

"I do."

"Then why you said that hmm? Everyone close to us know it. About unknown people!! I don't care for them okay? And whoever approach me they always gets rejected by saying that I already have a husband. Then what you need more hmm?"

"I was just kidding. Sowwyyyy hyungieeee."

"Sigh* That was not funny chiku."

"I am sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry-

Jeongguk placed his forefinger on the other's lips.
"(Whisper) Show me how much sorry you are then. (Smirk)"

Taehyung is now looking at the other lying above him. He brought his right hand slowly to the other's lips carressing it like a soft cotton, with rubbing that addicting mole under his lower lip.

"I love you Hyungie."
With saying that he pull the other to a hungry kiss holding his nape. Which jeongguk compiled with the same force other is putting. Both were kissing each other as if they never got the taste of their lips before, mingling with those tongues. Irony is that every time they do intimacy it always feels different and more tempting.

About Taehyung he never can ever imagine his Hyungie cheating with him with their maid at least, who treats both of them as her own son. It was just the heat of moment. He couldn't bear the pain of separation with his Hyungie that moment. That is why after waiting for a long long long long one minute, he finally gave up and his lazy ass thought to message him. This is the back story.

Jeongguk pinched the other's nipple making the other moan out loud with the hunger for the kiss.

He complained retreating himself.

"This is for doubting my loyalty. And yeah I love you too."
Jeongguk said rubbing their nose.

"(Pout) YAAAHHH ....I can do anything with you..doubt you ..shout you....even to kill you...Who the heaven are you even to Stop me hah???"

"Who am I?

Jeongguk raised his brow and Taehyung nod with a mad pout.

"I am your everything Chiku, I am your owner I am your lover I am your world, let me conclude by saying that You live in my heart. So there is no way I will be giving this to someone other."

"Weally? I live in your heart?"
Taehyung teased but Jeongguk nod his head in a serious and genuine manner.

"But Do YOU know where you live Hyungie?"

"Of course I do."


"Obviously In your heart and mind both."
Jeongguk replied smiling ear to ear.

Taehyung said pushing the other off from his body.


"But in my A.S.S...ass."

With a giggle the other ran away from the room WAIT not before Jiggling his ass providing a great show to the Shocked as hell other.

Did he just ...Did You just...


With that Jeongguk too chased the other to downstairs.

"Catch me if you can Hyungie."
Taehyung challenged while running across the sofa.

"Trust me, once I catch you. Won't gonna spare any inch of your body. Freaking I will swallow Everything."
Jeongguk threatened.

"Wealllyyyyy.... Lalàlallallallalalaala....

"Oh don't provoke me more you nau- SHIT."
Jeongguk suddenly crumbled down the floor making a loud thud.

"Aishhh shit..."
Jeongguk almost cried holding his toe.

"Hyungie... what's wrong?"
Woried Taehyung comes near asking.

"I- shit... I think...I sprained my's ok not that big though..."

Taehyung holds the other tenderly trying to check his toe.

"Can you walk?"

"Eye roll* I just sprained my toe Chiku. Lead me to the Sofa."

Taehyung holds the other in his shoulder and helps him to walk towards the sofa.

Taehyung shouted when he got pushed to the sofa hovering by the other boy with a smirk.

"Now now. Who will save you from me hmm?"

"That means all these time you were acting?"

"Maybe or Maybe not?"

CHIKU |TAEKOOK| Small Town lovers✔️Where stories live. Discover now