Chapter 1: First Impressions, First Conversations

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"He's looking at you again." I muttered to Brooke, eyeing him.

My best friend is Brooke Anderson since 1st grade. She was poking at her food. Brooked flipped her long, strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder. She looked back at him then she gave him the finger. He smirked and turned back to his friends.

I chuckled. "That was pretty funny."

She frowned, "He's getting on my nerves. Doesn't he know when to to give up?"

I shrugged. "You're dealing with the Wyatt Matthews. I don't think the words, give and up, are in his vocabulary."

"I just want him to leave me alone. I'm not interested, repeat. Not. Interested."

"Now his fan club is glaring at you." I said.

She groaned again and gave the middle finger to them. I bit my lip to stop myself from chuckling. I love annoyed Brooke sometimes. They gasped and walked away from the cafeteria after saying hi to Wyatt in unison.

You must be wondering, who is this Wyatt Matthews spoken so greatly about? (Sarcasm included) He's the school's personal bad boy. He's everything a bad boy should be: hot, rich, bad and has a fan club. But you might also be asking this, why is Brooke turning this bad boy down?

Well if you must know, she sees him as some snobby jerk. Not really Brooke's type. Who she really has a crush on is Isaac Johnson. Some really smart and nice guy, a somewhat complete opposite of Wyatt.

"No-lives," she grumbled.

"And jealous that you got the offer." I told her. "They're just pissed of that you're a girl with guts to turn down Wyatt."

"Whatever, can we just move on to another subject?"


"Why can't you tell Wyatt to leave me the hell alone?"

My stomach dropped. "I'm really sorry Brooke, I must be the worse friend in the world. He just gives of this 'I'm a bad influence so stay away from me' vibe."

"You're too much of a goody-two-shoes, Autumn. You have to get it together."

"I'm still trying to get over the break-up."

She snorted. "What break-up, wait, do you mean when you dated Peter Johnson in 6th grade?"


"You dated him for a few weeks, and you guys only hugged." She said. "We're in our junior year, you're turning 17 in a couple of months!"

"I know..."

"Are you really getting over Peter?"


"Autumn, go out with someone."

"C'mon Brooke, who will want to go out with me?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me you're joking."


"You've been turning down guys ever since freshmen year. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Do I have to answer that?"

"I give up!" She said, throwing her arms in the air.

"I just don't want to get serious with anyone right now."

She sighed. "Well whenever I can set up a blind date for you, you go. Understand?"

"Yes mother."

I poked on the mystery meat some more. "I'm not hungry, see you later?"

"Sure, see ya."

I left the cafeteria and headed to the my locker. I looked at my magnetic mirror in my locker. I had black hair with light brown eyes. I'm pretty fit and thin but only because the school's mystery meat can really have someone lose their appetite. I pretty smart but not Albert Einstein smart, though I'm at the top of all my classes. I've been told I'm pretty, but I see myself as an average. I'm kinda popular, lots of people know me, but I don't know all of them. And I'm sorta rich but not like a celebrity or Wyatt Matthews. So I never really got why anyone would like a girl like me.

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