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You all enter the room with Lights dad

"Dad!" Light rushed over to his dad's side.

"Light," his father responded weakly.

He looked up and saw you. He knew you were a suspicious person, but he didn't expect you to be so close to the investigation.

"You are?" He looked up.

"Hello, Mr. Yagami, I'm N/n. I'm a friend of your son. I'm also somewhat involved in the Kira investigation. I'm sure you're already well aware of me." You reply

"Yes, I am," Mr. Yagami responded. He seemed to be hiding some disdainful feelings towards you, for an unknown reason.

"So the doctors think stress was the only cause?" Light asked, attempting to change the topic.

"Yeah, to be honest, I thought it was Kira when I collapsed, but I'll be alright. It seems I've been pushing myself too hard lately." Soichiro Yagami responded.

"It must have added to your stress knowing that Light was a suspect." L responded nonchalantly.

Soichiro Yagami looked up at you.

Is he upset because I'm also a suspect? Does he think I'm implicating his son?

You look back at him, no emotion in your eyes.

"What? Does he know!? " Light asked, shocked.

"I've told him everything, even that I am L." L adds

"That is correct, this man is L. To protect his identity, we call him Ryuzaki." Lights Dad says

"So Ryuzaki, now that you've had the chance to talk to my son, do you suspect him?" Light's dad asked,

You didn't feel very welcomed by Soichiro Yagami, so even though you didn't want to, you excused yourself.

Okay, keep that attitude up and I won't save you.

"It's getting late, I will be leaving. Goodnight everyone. I don't need a ride. I already have one." you say, walking off.

You quickly leave the hospital, walking into the dark street. You didn't have a ride, you just didn't want to continue the conversation. You looked at the time, looking at the watch, which you bought with Yagami's money.

You decided to just walk back to the hotel. It would take around an hour to do so. You figured your body could also use this.

You were walking for not even 10 minutes when you noticed you were being followed by a black car. You looked back and booked it. Sprinting forward, the car was still following you, even faster this time.

"N/n!!" You heard a familiar voice call out.

You turned around to see L get out of the car.

"Oh, hi," you greet him.

"I thought you said you had a ride back?" L asked

You shrugged. "I just didn't want to stay there any longer."

"We can drive you back home," L offered.

"Well, if you insist," you say, smiling.

You and L walk to the car. He opens the car door for you.

"Thank you", you smile.

L rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, before sitting in the back himself.

You gave him a confused look. The front seat was empty. He could have sat there.

Is he trying to sit close to me? He's not sneaky

"If you don't want to sit shotgun, I can," you say, hoping to sit in the front seat.

"N/n, before I formally invite Light, I'd like to invite you to come work with me for the Kira investigation." L said, staring at you.

He just ignored me? But for him to formally invite me without light? Suspicious

"Sounds like fun. Sure, I'd love to. " You respond with a smile.

"By the way, this is important to the investigation.. are you and Light in a romantic relationship?" L inquired, his gaze fixed on you.

You were taken aback a little. You knew this wasn't the behavior of the number one detective you knew

Fanboy behavior

"No, currently I am not in a romantic relationship with anyone," you reply, putting L's concern to an end.

L didn't know his feelings for you just yet, but Watari, who was driving, knew, and you knew as well.

Let's see if he still likes me after I reveal how I know how the course of the story goes and how I won't help. You snicker.

"Seems like a crucial piece of information for the Kira case" you laugh

"It's because I don't wish for personal feelings to get in the way of your assistance in the Kira investigation," L replied.

"You got it, boss," you say with a thumbs up.

"Boss?" L asked.

"Yes," you say, nodding.

Imagine if I just called him Lawliet to mess with him... that would be funny.

"By the way, I never told you the way to my hotel. How do you know, unless-" you say, teasing him.

"I know a lot of information," L cuts you off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," you say, shrugging it off.

"There it is, I'll see you later," you bid him goodbye.

L gets out of the car.

"Let me walk you; it's dangerous at night." He attempts to walk you to your room.

"I'll be fine," you say, closing the car door, tripping on air.

You get up, running into the hotel quickly before L could say anything.

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