Chapter 27

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Chase is amazing. Like, really amazing. It's been a week since we were able to have some time alone, but I couldn't be happier. Liam thinks Chase and I are just becoming really good friends, so it's a little less nerve-wracking when he walks into a room where Chase and I have just been whispering back and forth. We just act like we're sharing a friendly secret.

It's a good thing my brother is pretty oblivious to what's actually going on. I feel terrible for lying to him, but I'm terrified of what he would do if he found out what's been going on behind his back. They've been friends for so long, and they've been through so much together; I'd hate to be the reason that changes.

Speak of the devil...

I'm sipping on my coffee at the kitchen island as Liam strides over.

He gives me a light smile and messes my hair. "What's up, sis?"

I shoot him a glare as I try to fix the mess he created. "You mean besides the rat's nest you made on my head? Not much. Where are you off to this morning?"

He shuts the fridge and turns to me, holding a water bottle in one hand. "Heading down to the gym for a bit with Tay. You wanna come?"

I laugh. "Yeah, I'll pass." I'm not a big fan of the gym.

He nods and starts walking toward Taylor's room. "Alright, suit yourself. If you need to go anywhere, take Chase with you. He's skipping out on us too!"

I roll my eyes. Always so over-protective. "I'm a big girl, Liam. I think I can handle a day to myself. I manage to get to and from work every day without getting into trouble, don't I?"

He holds up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, don't bite my head off. I'm just trying to look out for my baby sister." He shoots me his best cheesy big bro smile.

I shake my head and continue sipping my coffee as he knocks on the door and asks Taylor if she's ready.

Moments later, they leave, chatting animatedly about last night's game, leaving the apartment to Chase and me. He hopped in the shower while Liam and I were talking, and I just heard the water shut off.

I bet he isn't completely dressed yet...

I smile to myself as I walk toward his bathroom door. My hand slowly reaches out for the handle, and I'm hoping the door is unlocked. I twist and find my wish has come true. The door slowly opens, and I peek my head inside. Chase is standing in front of the sink brushing his teeth, wearing only a towel that is wrapped low around his hips.

His eyes meet mine in the mirror, and I shuffle inside, closing the door behind me and flipping the lock. He quickly finishes his task and turns to greet me with a minty-fresh grin.

"Good morning, beautiful." He leans in and gives me a sweet kiss.

I place my hands on his warm chest as I lean into the kiss. "Good morning. Liam and Taylor just left for the gym. We have the place to ourselves for a bit."

His hands trail down my arms as a knowing look passes over his face. "What did you have in mind?"

Feeling bold, I look down his body to where the towel is secured around his hips. I lick my lips and reach forward, releasing the towel to the floor. His breathing hitches, and I remove my shirt. I didn't wear a bra last night, so he has a full view of my naked chest.

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