Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you don't want to com with us?" My roommate and friend, Jade, asked while we were getting ready. "We're still going to watch your brother's game; we're just not going to do it from some stuffy spectators box with only the rich folks." Jade turned her nose up as she spoke of the rich people.

"My parents are going to be there, my sister in law and their kids. It's tradition. Plus, this way, I I don't have to pay for my booze or my food. And the food is amazing."

"Please, you know they're not going to let you drink. Your fake ID won't work there when everyone knows who your brother is."

"No, but Val sneaks me booze." She rolled her eyes. "Why don't you just come with me?"

"Because Josh is coming with us." Ah. The unattainable Josh. Jade had been crushing on him since we were freshman. Three years later and at the start of our senior year, she was still crushing on him. I would tell her to invite him, but I only got one extra ticket to the box Reggie had reserved for his family and friends.

"Next weekend," I promised her. "I'll go with you next weekend. And for all the away games, but I have to go to the home games with family."

"Fine," she pouted. We did this dance at the beginning of every school year and football season. I was only twenty, close to a full year younger than all my classmates, more so than others. I skipped second grade and didn't turn seventeen until October of my senior year of high school. I didn't mind it, but it was frustrating still having to feel the panic from using a fake ID to get booze when everyone else around me was finally using their real IDs.

Only four more weeks until it was finally my turn to celebrate turning twenty-one. Hopefully Val and I would have time to talk about my party while we were watching the game today.

"I've got to go, or I'm going to be late. I'll see you later."

"Bye!" Jade called after me.

Double checking that I had my keys, wallet, and phone, I put my purse strap across my body and headed out of the apartment and into DC fall air. It was warm still and absolutely gorgeous. I was wearing a jersey with Reggie's number on the back. Walking the few blocks to the metro, I descended the stairs to the underground stop. I hated how crowded the system got when it was game day, but I hated sitting in stadium traffic even worse.

The worst was when someone actually recognised me as the star quarterback's little sister. It didn't happen often, but when it did, I was often trapped in a metal tube with nowhere to go. Being in the public eye had never been my life goal.

After arriving at the stop for the stadium, I walked through the crowd the nearly one mile to the entrance. At the end of my walk, I veered away from the crowd to the special entrance for families and other people shelling out large sums of money for box seats.

The security guard let me in without any questions. He'd known me since I'd been coming here for nearly ten years, since I was twelve. Reggie was in his ninth season as the starting quarterback. I couldn't believe it. Time was flying by.

"Auntie Val!" Vincent was the first to see me when I walked into the busy box. My adorable nephew came running over to me. He was going to be four just before Thanksgiving.

"How's my little man?" I had to stop calling him my favourite little man when his brother, Zeke, had been born. Zeke was turning two in just a few days. Scooping Vincent in my arms, I peppered his little pudgy face in kisses while walking towards where Val was already sitting with my parents. "Hey mama, hey dad." I kissed both my parents cheeks. "Hi, Val." I kissed my sister-in-law's cheek and sat down next to her.

"How's school?" She asked me. Vincent sat himself in my lap, looking out onto the field, trying to spot Reggie warming up.

"It's only been the first two weeks and I'm already exhausted," I said.

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