Chapter One

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I remember the day I met him like it was yesterday.

We had moved recently, my sister and I. We didn't have any parents. She was nineteen and old enough to be on her own, so we left the orphanage. She was only a year older than me.

I'd been homeschooled along with my sister most of my life. Clara had suggested I try public. It's my last year, so if I hate it, I don't have to go again.

Clara was always a small girl, straight and hardly having a curve to her, while I seemed to be the exact opposite.

I remember walking down the school hallways my first day, holding my books to my chest, and I remember meeting Katie, my first friend from the school. My first friend, who wasn't my sister or one of the ladies who ran the orphanage.

"Hi!" She had said.

I had looked up to see a tall blonde girl. Later, finding out she was 6'2. She had sat down next to me, putting her pile of notebooks and her computer on the desk.

"What's your name? I'm Katie," she said.

"Oh, Violet."

"Pretty name. I love your hair, by the way. I've always loved ginger."

"... Thank you."

And I remember how that next week had played out. Katie helped me with classes, introducing me to her friends, and then finally, she invited me over to her house to study.

"You could come over to my house and study if you wanted?" Katie suggested, shrugging a shoulder.
"Really?... I could do that."

"Awesome! My parents won't be there because today's their anniversary and they're going out tonight, but my brother..." she tilted her head in thought. "Might not or might be there. It's so-so with him."

I nodded, "does your brother go to this school?"

"Oh no, he's a freshman in college right now."
I hadn't had a car yet (and still don't), so Katie offered to drive me to their house.

She had turned down the same street I lived on and had pulled up to a fancy two-storied home.
"They're both doctors," she had explained, meaning her parents.

Then I had pointed down the street to a small, jade green colored house. "I only live about five or six houses down from you."

"Really? Wow, that's awesome," she said. "We could literally hang out all the time then."

We stepped inside the house to a huge living room and kitchen. Marble countertops and an island with pretty navy-blue cabinets and pristine white couches. Just off the kitchen was a grand staircase. A stone fireplace was in the living room.

"Just upstairs here, and then we can start. I can grab some snacks too," she had said matter of factly.

"Okay," I replied, making my way towards the stairs. She grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry.

She closed her bedroom door and started pulling out things from her bag.
"Want some music? It helps me study better," Katie said.

"Yes," I said, cautiously grabbing a few chips as she pulled out her phone.

"... Where's your bathroom?" I asked hesitantly.
She pointed as she spoke, "left side of the hall and two doors down."

I had left, and that's when I met him.

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