Chapter 5

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My eyes popped out looking at the way he had painfully pinned Aditi to the washroom wall. I swallowed a lump seeing the scene. I could see fear in Aditi's eyes and obsession in Naman's.

'Namannn!!!' I called out at once.

He didn't even look at me once...he was desperately pressing Aditi's hands with his and asking her...

'You can't marry him Aditi....Not while this isn't closing down between us!!! Say what did you do it??? Say it!!! And why couldn't you just come and comfort me...Sayyyyy' he screamed and punched the washroom wall and Aditi flinched in fear. I closed my mouth. Naman was enraged. He looked scary, angry and mad.

'Naman stoppp!!!' I screamed. But my words fell deaf on his ears while Aditu kept pleading me... 'Shilpa... he's lost it... he's lost it! Please help me... he's... he's drunk and is not in his senses!!!' she pleaded while Naman's angry drunk red eyes kept pouring and he spat again...He looked like a mad man right now. His drunk eyes, his limp yet raging body language, his messed up hair and the disgusting smell of alcohol from his body. He didn't look sane at all.

'You moved on is it could you??? You can't can' still love me!!!' Naman kept muttering like he was crazy or something.

'No I don't!!!' Aditi screamed in his face struggling to keep off from his alcoholic breath.

'You do!!! You still love me!!! I know'

'I don't Naman!!! I'm getting married today' Aditi cried...

'I won't let you go Aditi...don't go Aditi... don't leave me...just apologise once...I will forgive you!!! But don't leave me again' and this time Aditi's angry tears and words matched Naman's heated gaze and she spat...

'Never!!! It wasn't a mistake!!! It wasn't!!! And no I am not sorry!!! I am not' and Naman's grip loosened on Aditi's hands.

'I don't love you Naman! Closure is that for you! Leave' she shouted and although Naman calmed down a bit his anger was back again at her loud tone and he again went back to pin her down while this time I immediately stepped into the washroom and pulled back Naman from over Aditi and turned him around.

'Leave me Shilpa!!! You asked me to confront my fears right!!! Right there are my fears...I'm confronting her now....let me' he yelled while I kept pulling him via his waist but he was although lean but taller and stronger than me. He pushed me via his elbows saying...

'I need answers!!!'

'Naman she is getting married and she ended 6 years ago!!! Stop crying over split's over... she's over you!!! She loves Keshav!!! Accept it'

'Never!!! By hook or crook you are my mine Aditi..Apologize and let's mend it!!! ' saying he went to approach Aditi like he was a lost lamb and Aditi kept pleading me for help... knowing nothing in one go I turned around Naman and gave one earth shattering slap on his left cheek!!!' he shook a little for the impact I made on his cheek and he slumped on the floor.

He stumbled a little and that's exactly when I heard some voices outside the room and my eyes widened. Naman in this state in Aditi's room. Shit!!! No no no!!! She's the bride. She's getting married today.

I could hear them giggling. I heard Siya's voice and some other ladies laughing. Fear choked me. Aditi's teary eyes, Naman's broken drunken state...nothing straight hit my head while I simply shut the washroom door hiding all three of us in the washroom.

Aditi kept looking at me, Naman wasn't in his senses.

'Adduuu...come out...your Keshav is getting desperate to marry you!!!' Siya's voice fell on my ears. While I heard another lady say...

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