Dark Place - Cordelia Goode (part 3)

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Part 3 of @justnoicantthinkof1's suggestion (last part)

TW : Eating Disorder

-- words count : 440 --

Cordelia places a soft kiss on my temple before exiting the door. I fall asleep quickly because of how weak I am.

I wake up few hours later, feeling the gently strokes of Cordelia warm hands on my face. When I open my eyes, she is looking at me, feeling a bit relieved. I can smell food and I start to freak out. Cordelia is quick to notice it so she pulls me in a hug. As I start to cry, my head buried in her neck, she pulls away.

"No, no crying honey." She says wiping my tears. "We're gonna get through this together."

She lifts a tray and put it in a chair next to my bed. She then helps me sitting and hands me a fork.

"I made scrambled eggs, I know you love it." She smiles, trying to reassure me. But it feels too much, I can't eat, I can't ruin all my progress. I drop the fork and the high noise makes me flinch.

"Shhh, it's okay sweet girl, let me help you." And with that, Cordelia takes the fork and pokes a piece of egg on it. She reaches my mouth with it and I open my lips, shaking. She gently puts the food on my thong and I start to chew. I look at her deep brown eyes and she nods, making me understand that it's okay. I swallow with difficulty, but I manage to take few other bites before giving up.

"You did so great sweetheart, I'm proud of you. Now we're getting out a little, you need to breathe the outside air."

"Please Cordelia, I'm tired, I don't want to go for a walk." I groan.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." She answers, helping me standing up and walking downstairs. She puts a slight jumper on my shoulders and still holding me, we walk outside. But I'm surprise when I see all the girls sitting on the fresh spring grass.

"SURPRISE !" They all scream in harmony. I can feel my eyes getting wet but Cordelia squeezes my hand. I sit next to Zoe as they all greet me, even Madison.

"We were so worried about you (y/n)." Says Zoe hugging me.

"We're glad you're okay." adds Queenie.

We spend the whole afternoon together, until I feel to tired to stay. I let my body fall softly on the soft grass, and Cordelia is stroking my hair.

"Do you want to go back inside sweetie ?"

"Mmmmh no, I'm enjoying the fresh air, and the sun." I reply closing my eyes, just feeling the soft wind of spring and the sun warming my pale cheeks. I eventually fall asleep, my head resting on Cordelia's lap.

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