Chapter 27: Hot Day In Hell

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Kyle's POV

EJ Hollen's hand grabbed my neck and I was slammed against the wall with brute strength."I want to smash your face in!" he yelled at me. This wasn't the same man who had given me the job of being his daughter's bodyguard nor the same man who found out his daughter was in love with said bodyguard.

"EJ, we came to talk to him. To hear his side of the story," Evan said. He was looking on with a smirk and seemed to be enjoying every moment of it. Tears escaped my eyes as I gasped for breath and I thank heaven when his hand released me.I fell to the floor, chocking.

"Get up! You call yourself a bodyguard and just got the life squeezed out of you," Evan Hollen said.

I picked myself up and locked eyes with the two men in front of me.

"You had two jobs. To protect my daughter at any cost and never to hurt her. I accepted you when she told me she was in love with you. Why did you hurt my daughter, Kyle?" EJ asked me.

 It was clear he was livid about the whole misunderstanding between Zenobia and I and the more I thought about what my mother and Lina did, I was fuming on the inside.

"Mr. Hollen, this is all a major misunderstanding and a spite. A plot. A scheme by my own mother and that bitter ex-friend of mine."

"Ex-friend, you got my daughter tied up in some bullshit love triangle?"

"Of course not. I have no romantic feelings for Lina whatsoever. I swear it."

"Then why were you in bed with her?" Evan cut in.

"I don't know how it happened," I answered foolishly and I was struck across the face. I cussed underneath my breath.

"How did you get into bed with Lina?!" Evan asked again with a shout.

"I was having a meal with my mother. The next thing I knew I was awake in a guest bedroom at my aunt's house. I think my mother put something in that food and while I was out, she had Lina come in there, into the bedroom she put me in, and Lina made it appear I was screwing her for the camera. I didn't."

Evan's eyes narrowed in and grew darker by the seconds. My heart raced in my chest as he analyzed me.

"What do you think Evan, think he's telling the truth or was that whole speech full of shit?"

"Nah, I think he's telling the truth. There's something about Lina that doesn't sit right with me. Did Zenobia provide her information?"


"Then I say we provide ourselves with it. What's Lina's last name?" Evan asked me."Constantine."

"Constantine, why the hell does that name sounds so familiar?" EJ asked.

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