Chapter 13

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"I never thought I'd see the day." My sister Freya chuckles as she plops onto the cane settee next to me.

Eva follows with a bowl of Cheetos which I grab greedily, stuffing my mouth, grateful for the distraction.

"True. All those years of being bullied by our little Alpha sister and now here she is silenced into submission by cock." Eva laughs grabbing the bowl back.

I glare at my evil twin sisters. I'd love to throttle them. But we have guests.

"I'll be remembering this next time we're on the training field." I warn them under my breath.

A lighthearted laugh drifts across the backyard and once again my attention is dragged back to where Sebastian is, drinking beer with my dad and the older male wolves of the pack.

It eats at me how easily he fits in as if hes been here for years instead of a few measly hours. He's already charmed the knickers off my mom who thinks the sun shines out of his handsome ass, and as for dad, Sebastian has had him wrapped around his finger since he accepted me publically at Council. I'm doomed.

Freya elbows me leaning in to whisper in my ear.

"So does the Alpha cock live up to expectation?"

I choke on a Cheeto glaring at my older sister who clearly needs to get laid.

"Subtle Freya." Eva chides her twin patting my back.

Freya rolls her eyes leaning back with a huff.

"Just sucks being the last virgin in the family, let me live vicariously please." She bats her pretty lashes at me.

"Technically Eva's still a virgin too, Lillith was the easy bitch remember."

"Wow thank you for the reminder Neo." Eva glares at me.

"Hey, don't dish it if you can't take it." I snap back.

"I think I'm going to enjoy your suffering this full moon. The heat is going to fuck you up." Freya smirks at me.

"You sadistic bitch."

"Takes one to know one."

"Freya that's not funny." Eva snaps ending things abruptly.

"Sorry Eva." Freya says contritely.

I squeeze Eva's hand. We crossed a line.

"I'm sorry too."

Eva nods then stands and leaves, but not before I catch the pain in her eyes.

"Fuck." I whisper.

"Fuck Dante." Freya whispers back.

I nod my agreement.

Freya and I sit in silence which she breaks.

"Are you scared?" I know exactly what she's asking.

I won't admit to her I'm terrified.

I've spent the last five years watching Eva suffer through the heat every full moon.

It's not pretty. She basically turns into a hot horny mess for Dante and it always ends in tears and tranquilizers.

The heat is a biological nightmare that happens only to mated she-wolves and is triggered by the first mating either in wolf or human form. The heat comes like clockwork, every full moon, along with a knotting by her mate and pretty much a guaranteed pupping thereafter.

Unfortunately there is no contraception. The only prevention is abstinence on the full moon and that takes cooperation by both parties. But even abstinence does not come without side effects. Without her mate to soothe the heat the female generally spends several hours from sundown to sunrise in excruciating pain. You can thank the Moon Goddess for this fucked up blessing.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now