a battle, again !?

1.9K 52 19

Y/n pov

Akeno jumped from the hipper, to the harekaze, her friends were waiting for her there, with angry looks, except mashiro, she was at the bridge, looking at akeno and the others, still upset about akeno almost got killed, but i can see a hint of worry in her eyes

Akeno: im sorry everyone

Akeno bowed to them

Akeno was probably waiting to be shouted at, but that didn't happen, what really happened was everyone hugging her and saying

Everyone: im glad you're ok

I smiled at the heartwarming scene

Akeno: oh yeah, one more thing, hipper

Y/n: yeah

Akeno: thank you

Y/n: you're welcome

I started to get back to the bridge but before that i heard mashiro say

Mashiro: everyone we got a distress call from the... Musashi

Akeno: ....

Akeno was shocked

She instantly ran to the bridge of the harekaze

Y/n: akeno, can i come too

Akeno: yes

She's worried about moeka, i cant blame her for just letting a complete stranger go in your ship, so i ran to the bridge too

After hearing the distress call from the musashi, akeno is in a "pinch" trying to choose from two choices

Respond to the distress signal and save the musashi


Just go back to yokosuka

But, before she could choose she got a area wide message that prohibited the harekaze to stop on any port

This convinced akeno to choose to go back to yokosuka

Akeno: *sigh*, yokosuka it is

Akeno starts to leave the bridge

First timeskip :)

Its already night

The harekaze was 70 percent fixed

Its combat capable, but only 2 out of 3 guns are working, and can't be fixed further unless there is a repair ship

I started to detect some thing on my sonar, im still at the bridge of the harekaze

Mashiro: umm, who are you ?

She's been having the urge to just ask my identity why dont ask me earlier

Y/n: my name is hipper

Mashiro is a little shocked

Mashiro: isn't that-

Y/n: yeah its the name of the ship

Mashiro: oh, can i ask something ?

Y/n: sure, go ahead

Mashiro: do you think akeno is fit to be the captain of this ship

Y/n: my opinion is, yes, she just needs time and confidence in her actions, so support her, and she will become the best captain in the world, she's a special type of captain, she's different from other captains

Mashiro: oh so th-

???: Huh

Thats probably kaede marikouji the harekaze's sonar operator

Mashiro: what is it

Kaede: its a submarine

Mashiro: what

Yosh the i-201 is here, time for evasive maneuvers

Time to get back to my ship

Y/n: i have to go back to my ship, see you later

Mashiro ok see you later, try sending them "help"

Kaede: ok, ill try

I left the harekaze and got in the bridge of the hipper, if youre wondering im not towing the harekaze anymore

Mashiro on radio: hipper we have detected torpedoes launching from the submarine

Y/n on radio: ok copy that

Y/n: time to dodge torpedoes

Akeno pov

I was called to the bridge because of a submarine we were trying to send a message to them, but they misunderstood it they assumed it was hostile so they fired 2 torpedoes at us, the hipper turned of all of her lights

Akeno: turn hard left NOW

Rin: o-ok

The ship dodged the 2 torpedoes

And the torpedoes exploded at the side of our ship

They fired their torpedoes again, but none of them hit

What do we do now

Y/n pov

I turned off my lights for night time warfare, but the harekaze

Y/n on radio: harekaze, turn of your lights

Mashiro: copy that hipper

The lights of the harekaze finally turned off

And the explosions stopped

I was getting ready to launch a depth charge but

Suddenly someone or rather wilhelmina burst through the door of the bridge of the ship

Wilhelmina: wheres the crew !?

Y/n: theres none, just me

Wilhelmina: are you stupid

Y/n: no im not

I spotted the sub marine on my sonar, i instantly fired my depth charges

Wilhelmina: huh.... How ?

Then the submarine started to go away, because it was damaged, but unknown to me, the submarine launched 1 last torpedo
At the hipper



Y/n: oh no

I ran to the place it hit the ship

I sighed in relief because the place that the torpedo hit the ship was not fatal, its a dent, a very big dent

After that a came back to the bridge, to see wilhelmina still shocked

Wilhelmina: where am i ?

Y/n: you're in the hipper

Wilhelmina: but isn't the hipper still on construction

Y/n: uhh, yeah something like that

Wilhelmina: how can you control the ship alone...

Y/n: ...

Akeno pov

The submarine got a way and we are safe thanks to hipper

Mashiro: we have news

Akeno: what is it

Radio: this is the principal, all vessels go back to school, i will not abandon any of my students

I was relieved

(Yosh thats the end of this chapter, thank you everyone i never expected to get 300 reads this fast, see you again in the next chapter, thank you)

in another world... as hipper ? (haifuri/high school fleet X male trap reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora