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The speech went well. I watched Jake talk elegantly to the crowd of agents and explain the situation along with Heeseung.

Not only did people accept the fact that General Perton was dead, but they were excited. The crowd was even delighted that Heeseung would be the new man in charge and the agents could start getting paid for their work.

Watching all of this made me happy. It seemed like people were coming together, but I couldn’t get Jungwon off of my mind. I kept thinking of different scenarios where no one could have gotten hurt so Jungwon wouldn’t have had to suffer.

He doesn't deserve to be hurt. He is a great leader, but most importantly a great person.

The speech finished and we all clapped for Heeseung and Jake. Me and the others decided to head backstage to visit the two boys.

“How was it?” Jake asked me.

“It was great, it really was. People are happy General Perton is gone and they are excited to be under new leadership.” I told him and he smiled at Heeseung. However, Heeseung didnt smile back.

“Whats wrong Heeseung hyung?” Sunoo asked.

“There is just so much preparing we need to do now. We need to change the image of this place and go through paper work and get our funding together and-”

“Heeseung!” Niki said loudly, cutting him off. “Don’t worry this much, this is just the beginning.”

“And you being this worried just shows how amazing of a leader you will be.” Sunoo chimed in.

“I agree. We can start worrying about all of this tomorrow, but for now we should go visit Jungwon.” Amara said and we all agreed.


We neared the nurses area to visit Jungwon. Jake's fingers intertwined with mine as I held him close to me as we walked. I loved the feeling of his warm hands.

Heeseung slowly pushed the door open to Jungwons room as we all stepped in. Jungwon was lying asleep on the bed with Jay sitting on a chair next to him as he slowly stroked his hand.

“Any updates?” Niki quietly asked Jay.

“Not much. He is stable but we aren't sure when he will wake up.” He said as another tear slipped down his sleep deprived face.

I reached out and put a hand on Jay's shoulder. “He is still fighting. Our Jungwon will never give up.”

2 months later

“HEESEUNG I SWEAR TO GOD!” Amara came storming into Heeseungs office as Jake and I helped him with paperwork.

“What? Is someone hurt? Is Jungwon in pain? Or maybe Sunoo spilt lemonade on the bank papers again, Sunoo I swear to god-” Heeseung starred as he rushed up to Amara.

“No, nothing like that happened.” Amara said as she took Heeseungs hands. “I just talked to the lunch staff, they are concerned because you haven't eaten in 2 days!”

“Oh, well why are you yelling about something as silly as that?” Heeseung said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Because Heeseung~ah, you haven't eaten, you've barely slept, and I can't remember the last time you took a break or went outside. I know this work is important but you are making yourself do too much.” Amara said with a concerned look. 

I turned to Jake and gave him a little smile. Heeseungs been under a lot of pressure latley, and he needs someone like Amara in his life to keep him healthy.

“Amara, sweetie, I can’t just-” 

“Heeseung, for the love of everything holy just take a few days off.” Jake said. “We are weeks ahead on the paperwork, just take a few days off. We told you the rest of us would be here to help you, it’s time you start relying on us.”

I smiled at Jake. Ever since Heeseung became in charge, Jake assumed the role of second in command since Jungwon was still healing. I reached under the table and grabbed his hand. He really was amazing.

“But-” Heeseung began.

“No buts. Come on, let's go get you some food and we can head to bed. I don’t like seeing you like this.” Amara said


They are just so cute. Ever since they officially started dating, I couldn't help but admire how much they loved each other. I’m glad they met.

Jake and I shooed the 2 of them out of the room as we turned to each other.

“Do you want to call it a night, babe? It’s already 10 at night.” I said as I turned to Jake.

“I’m not sure. Maybe just a few more hours…” He said.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up and pulled him up by his hands. I came impossibly closer to him as I pushed my lips against his.

He took no time in responding to my kiss. I moved against his lips harshly and moved my hand to his waist ad his wrapped around my neck.

After a few seconds we pulled away to breathe. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes. “Care to reconsider?” I asked with a smirk.

“Y-yeah, I think there are more important things than work.” Jake stuttered as I took his hand and lead him to our bedroom.

I think we are nearing the end of the story lads. But dont worry, I've already started working on the next fanfiction I'm going to do so I hope you guys will read that once the first chapter is out.

I like this story, but as I've written more there are so many things I want to go back and change in my story that I'm excited to start a new one and bring what I've learned from this book over.

Now with the sappy author moment over,
HAPPY 2022!

The Painted Prince |Jakehoon| ~Enhypen~Where stories live. Discover now