taking it slow

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I was in my peace room just trying to understand why I keep having these consistent dreams about black I really did fall in love with him I just can't forgive him for what he did but I want to so bad maybe these bad dreams will go away about him. He knows I use to have these kind of dreams all the time and he would just comfort me I think in do time me and black need to have a sit down conversation but im just not ready yet I still wanna punch his ass in his shit regardless of any situation we could have got through it but he choose not to and I don't know why he didn't trust me enough to help him fix it ugh I need some fresh air. I walked out to my garden feeling the cool breeze hit my skin its around 6am I could never really sleep around this time.

"I knew you would be up." Marcus said coming up to me.

"Hey you and yeah im up just got a lot on my mind awww thank you so much you brought me coffee."

"Yeah I was out with some friends figured you could use some." He said kissing me on both cheeks.

"Yeah I could."

"Come on go on and tell me whats on your mind." He said sipping his coffee.

I sighed.

"I don't wanna burden you with my problems."

"Umm...is it about ol boy I met?" He asked.

"Maybe I keep having these dreams about him its almost scary the way I think about him."

"Yeah there's alot of tension between yall I felt that when we were at the club so whats going on between yall?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all anymore hes the reason why I'm here."

"I know I heard you know xia is like the gossip queen of shang hi." He said.

"Yeah I know I just wish things was different between me and him right now I seen my whole future with this man but I guess that was to good to be true."

"I don't think thats true its never to late to mend things maybe you guys can work it out." He said.

"No we can't I don't think I could ever forgive him."

"Is it that you don't wanna forgive him for it or you just not trying to? Look lulu when you first came here you didn't talk you just sat in your room wallowing over him now your alot more happier but no sooner than you went back and you seen him I seen that hurt come back but I also seen the love you had for him maybe you should just talk to him." He said.

"Yeah maybe."

"Im telling you call him get everything you have to say out." He said.

"Your right let me make the call excuse me for a second."

I walked towards the garden just to get some privacy.

He nodded and I called him but he didn't answer I called one more time but straight to voice-mail.

"Well he's not.. black? What? What are you doing here? Where's Marcus? Did you kill him?"

"No he didn't Im right here I'm actually the reason why he's here look lulu it doesn't take a blind man to see you love him and after talking to him I think you need to listen to him." He said.

"He told you everything?"

"Everything." Black said.

"Trust me its worth the listen look I got to go I hope yall work it out lulu listen to him im telling you work it out." Marcus said.

I nodded as he walked off and me and black just stared at each other.

"You feel like taking a walk?" I asked breaking the silence.

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