Chapter 76

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👑 Mia 👑

Part 3

It's the next day and I'm getting ready for my appointment. Today I'm finally going to see my little bean that I only knew I had for almost 24 hours now. I wear something simple that Nessa brought me. It means an oversized hoodie and some sweatpants. I hope we won't be spotted by the paparazzi cause I don't need some headline "Are the newlyweds having a baby soon or whatever they write. If we do get spotted I'm wearing a brown colored wig to hide my identity and some brown-colored contact lenses. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see the whole group chatting about something. I take something to eat and seat next to Matt and Chris. Leon hasn't called once maybe he's in some girl's bed naked and I on the other hand have a piece of both of us in me. I don't care what happens between us I just need to live a happy life with my baby. Last night when I was supposed to sleep thoughts came and I cried myself to sleep but waking up this morning I made a promise to my unborn child that I won't let anything make me cry cause if I cry all the time it won't be good for the baby.

"Earth to Mia." The three of them wave their hand in front of my face.

"If you don't get back to Earth we won't be able to see our baby." Says Matt

"Well first of all it's mine but you're the elves that will help mommy when she needs something to eat or drink right baby?" I say and speak to my tummy.

"Yeah yeah that's a job for the boys I need to get my beauty sleep." says Nessa

"Ok don't worry we have that job but now we need to get out of here now cause we'll be late. Plus we have nothing to worry about the paparazzi since Mia looks nothing like herself. " Says Chris

We got in our own cars and drove to the private clinic. We chose this clinic we read nice reviews about it. The bonus is that it's a little hidden from the busy street and hidden from the paparazzi. We parked in the parking lot and walked to the front desk. There was a young girl sitting at the front desk. "Hello welcome to Love clinic how can I help you." She says with a smile on her face. "Hello, I called yesterday to set a scan" I say. "Name please". "Mia Miller" I need to get used to my old name. "Yes Ms. Miller I see your appointment. Please take a seat over there and I will call you when the doctor's ready." I thanked her and turned to my group of people. We all took a seat and there weren't so many couples here maybe it's from being a weekday but maybe it's cause they don't have many rooms for appointments. There's a couple in front of me. They actually look so in love she might be about 6 months pregnant or even later in her pregnancy. He has one of his hands on her belly rubbing it with so much love for their unborn child. I hear my name being called and we 4 get up and walk to the largest room here cause I don't want to do this without them.

I took a seat on the examination chair and Nessa and Matt were trying to chit-chat with me about something but to be honest I don't even know what they're talking about. I've zoned out and I'm so excited and scared seeing my baby for the first time. What if I'm not really pregnant and the whole thing with Leon was for an unreal thing. Well if I'm not really pregnant I know what Leon thinks about me that I would cheat on him when he's away. The door opens and a doctor walks in.

"Mia Miller?" She asks


"Well, I see here that you brought a whole gang with you. Is the father here?" She asks and signs me to rest on the chair and to pull my hoodie.

"Actually I'm a single mom" I say and an awkward silence fills the room.

"Oh my so sorry." She says and I smile at her "no problem"

She puts a cold gel on my tummy and moves it around I turn my head to look at the monitor but see nothing. Omg, I'm not really pregnant.

"Here's your baby and from the looks of it you're having only a baby and you're going into your third month of pregnancy. That makes you about 11 weeks going into your 12. Your baby's facial features continue to develop. Fingers and toes are also forming in the third month of pregnancy. The neural tube, spinal cord, and other neural tissue of the center  are well-formed. The digestive tract and sensory organs begin to develop. Bone starts to replace cartilage. The embryo begins to move, although you cannot feel it yet. Your baby is the size of a fig, measuring 1.5-2 inches in length. He or she will now weigh about one-third of an ounce. During this week, the baby's torso will be lengthening, and its body will be straightening in posture. It will be able to stretch, roll, and somersault inside the uterus. Now can you tell me about any symptoms that you've had?" The doctor asks.

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