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Chapter 8

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Inside the entrance, a cloaked figure watched the humans approach, too deep in the shadows for them to see him. Gritting my teeth, I examined the situation. The men now stood on the dirt reception area with Nicky in front of them. The Nightstalker hadn't emerged from the cave, but at least I knew where he was.

My location to the side wasn't a good one. Only sparse shrubs concealed me, and that wasn't sufficient if guns were present. I examined the bluff that extended into the forest in front of me; the craggy rock had plenty of small bushes and larger rocks to hide behind. In fact, from this angle, I could see a narrow path had been made behind them. The path went up, although I didn't see where it ended.

It was the best I was going to get. It'd give me a height advantage and rocks to hide behind if a fight broke out. I darted soundlessly behind the meager shelter on the path the Nightstalker must have made at some point.

As I began climbing the steep trail, the men put their two baskets down and forced Nicky to kneel between them.

Below me, a rough voice echoed out of the cave.

"Who disturbs my rest?"

A steady swooshing sound made me pause and peer down between the bushes. A figure in a dark grey cloak stepped out of the cave and walked to the middle of the dais. In one hand, a sword spun in ceaseless, lazy circles.

His deep hood hid his face from the sun above, preventing anyone other than a Nightstalker from seeing his expression. I guessed he was in his forties, and he looked about as thrilled to see this group as I was to see him.

One of the men bowed deeply, and in a praise-filled voice, said, "Lord Nightstalker, forgive us for arriving at this hour. We've heard of your power and brought you an offering."

I bristled at his words and obvious attempt to gain favor. If anything, the zombie's frown grew more pronounced. I took a quick peek at the distant forest but didn't see Daniel even though I knew he was around. Like me, he was probably moving slowly to avoid making any noise. Glancing at my feet, I picked a few gravel-free spots and eased higher up the bluff.

When the Nightstalker didn't respond, the other two men went down to one knee as the first man continued speaking. "Rumor of your power has spread far and wide, as have stories of the gifts you bestow on those who bring you offerings. Please accept these gifts and this girl in exchange for one of your guns and some ammo."

I didn't dare snarl since that would give me away; instead, I climbed a few steps higher and pulled out two crowbars. If the Nightstalker went after Nicky, any surprise should make him break off his attack. Even if I threw both crowbars at the men, the sudden appearance of the projectiles from above would have him backing into the cave to take shelter from the unknown attacker.

The Nightstalker's frown deepened, less than impressed. The speed at which his sword circled slowed, but it cut through the air more loudly now. The swooshing took on an ominous tone.

With a kick of her heels, Nicky somersaulted forward, somehow getting one hand out of the handcuffs. Still on her knees, she bowed facedown in front of the dais steps. The handcuffs hung off her left wrist and shone in the light, telling her tale for her.

"Oh, powerful Nightstalker! Master of the night!" Nicky proclaimed in something akin to a chant. "You are the hidden power in every forest in which you step foot! You are so awesome you can smell everything in the forest in a single breath and hear a deer fart a mile away." She paused, then muttered, "Or maybe the hearing part was more along the lines of a Terror's abilities." She shook her head and resumed her worship-filled praise. "Your skills are such that grizzly bears are a mere snack! Even bats cannot hear your silent footsteps as you roam the night! This is all the treasure I could gather on short notice, but I offer it and these three men to you if you would but hear out my humble request."

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