54. Black Sheep

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Dear Readers,

The word count on this chapter is 3050 it means that it can have more mistakes than my usual 1k chapter, I hope you will forgive me and enjoy the story anyway <3


The lunch break was equally eventful as the rest of the day.

Sofia planned to invite Greta to the table but when she said "hey" Greta walked past her as if she didn't hear her speaking. Maybe she didn't.

Sofia realized that Greta just like yesterday decided to try her luck at Cynthia's table.

Oh boy. It's not going to end well. It's going to be a disaster in fact. Sofia sat on her spot next to Bruno and watched the dramatic scene unfold.

"Can we talk?" Greta asked nicely, she looked nervous.

"Jeez, are you slow? Get a hint and get the fuck out off my face" Cynthia said bitterly. She didn't even bother to look at Greta. Instead, she was staring at her plate with disgust.

Greta however was not a person who would give up easily.

"Seriously? Years of friendship are meaningless to you because I didn't do something stupid enough to get me kicked out of the school?!" Greta yelled with pain and desperation.

"Exactly. Don't breathe next to me, don't exist next to me. I never really liked you, and that hair color of yours is just horrible" Cynthia listed in an apathetic voice referring to Greta's red hair-shade. Ok, they were heavily bleached which could be noted with a naked eye.

"You will regret it. I will show everyone what sort of person you are '' Greta said in tears and ran out of the cafeteria.

It was horrible.

Sofia really, really wanted for this day to end.

She should've listen to Alessandro and stay at home.


Right after classes, the corridors were emptying from the last remaining students and the crowd of people gathered at the door of classroom number 7.

Cynthia was on her own, no guardian in sight.

Giada showed up with her grim-looking father. He was short and had bushy brows. The Pollini brothers were currently at the infirmary so they couldn't be present but their mother showed up, with puffy cheeks and a pained expression.

The headmaster, Roberto Villuti, was a middle-aged man with a mix of black and grey hair and he was wearing heavy round glasses on his nose.

Sofia suspected that today is not his favorite day of running this school. Sofia saw him only once before, on her first day of school. It was a brief encounter. Back then when he was welcoming her at the school he was smiling warmly. Today his face was saddened and serious

He adjusted his glasses and asked."Cynthia, where is your dad?"

"He can't come today but he gave permission to my cousin to come here in his place" Cynthia responded awkwardly.

"Your cousin?" Mr. Velluti's face became even paler.

"Oh, he's here," Cynthia said.

Sofia turned her head in the direction that Cynthia was pointing at. 

The man in question was on the other end of the corridor advancing towards the group. He was wearing a dark brown suit with a forest-green shirt and he was speaking over the phone in what sounded to Sofia like fluent Spanish. He finished speaking the moment when he stopped right in front of he the headmaster. He slid his phone into his pocket.

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