Pranking Voldy

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While Auntie Sev, and Uncle Luci slept I put up a silencing charm around them and sealed the room. I then started to drag all the girly clothes out of my closet piling it up on my bed. Opening my trunk I used the spell to fold all of it up and pack it away neatly. Taking not all but some of the boys clothes out of the closet I separated what I did like from what I didn't. Putting the one I liked in my trunk and the ones I didn't on the small table that I normally had morning tea at. I continued to go through the clothes until Auntie voice asked me. "Please tell me your not going to run away from us. We love you no matter."

He sounded so scared and broken I had to answer. " No Auntie I'm not running just getting rid of things I don't like. Makes sorting easier if there one is put away somewhere close and I have a lot more to go through still in the closet." I didn't look up from sorting the clothes, but I heard him sigh in relief. When the bed dipped down next to me and Auntie wrapped an arm around my shoulders I leaned into him.

"Want me to help Harry? I could take the thing you don't like to I'm assuming the table." I nod handing over the little pile on my lap. "Your taking yesterday well. Or are you just not dealing with it?" I sighed not wanting to talk about it but knowing I needed to.

"I need to make changes. I can't keep trying to make everyone else happy." I said clearly then mumbled. "Or proud." I sorted through some more clothes before. I looked over at him. "Sev I'm not happy I want to be, but I'm just not. How do I fix it?" He gave me a calculating look for a moment.

"Well figure out things about you first and go from there. Like figuring out what clothes you like or don't like. Do that with everything figure out if you like it or not. If you don't like it then it will make you feel unhappy." He explained carefully making sure I wouldn't get lost. Picking up the stack of clothes on my lap he took them to the table. "Like potions. If you like it then don't let me tell you you don't. If you feel he's your dad figure then just think of him as that. You don't have to tell him or have his permission to view him in that way. You only need his approval to call him that out loud." He smiled at me. Then he woke uncle Luci to get them both up for the day.

"Lucius Malfoy we need to head to our room and get ready for the day. Also I need to let Barty know that Harry won't be there until lunch." He gave a nod in my direction. When uncle Luci looked over he sat up fast looking panicked. Causing both me and auntie to chuckle. I stood up and walked over to hug him. He squeezed me so tightly I thought my head might pop off. "He's just sorting through his clothes love. Same thing I do with potions ingredients." Uncle sighed in relief. Smoothed my hair. Then stood to walk to the door. He stumbled a bit as he went so i unsealed the room and opened the door. He gave me a grateful smile before walking out.

"Ooof" uncle Luci hit the floor but from aunties face there was something else. At least if the sneer on his face was anything to go by. "What the bloody hell are you doing! I could've died you arse." Uncle was angry which made me recoil. I had never heard him yell before. Scared I peeked out the door to see a very rumpled Voldemort on the floor clearly having slept there. And uncle was getting up he was red faced and glaring daggers at Voldemort. Auntie sweet out and passed voldy easy taking his arm and leading him off.

I took another look at voldy he did look well rested. He looked troubled and worried. As he watched the retreating forms of uncle and auntie. "Blame Narcissa I'm only slept here because she's scary" Voldemort grumbled at that I slammed the door and sealed it. If he thinks mom is scary he's got a few things to learn.

"Hmm mom I think I'd like to call her that someday." I thought aloud. Oh well I'll just have to keep sorting. With that I settled to sort my clothes out. When Crashers came with tea he frowned at the table then gasped. "Just sorting Crashers don't worry. Put those on the couch please." I could feel the relief coming off of him. When I heard the tea set down I got up holding the rejects and put them on the couch. Before moving to the table to have tea.

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