im assuming your workout is over?

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"Its to early for y'all shit!" I say walking over to a group of the cast. I take a seat on the side of Hit. "Yogurt? Really? Out of all this food you gonna get yogurt?"
"Yeah." I say taking a sip of my coffee.
"You look like you could use some coffee." He says as he eats the pancake. This is great. Just walked downstairs and someone has already noticed my "tired" eyes. Little do they know, I've got plenty of sleep last night. But that doesn't cover up the fact that I was crying my damn eyes out. "Ah look who it is!" I say as Conceited approaches us.
"He finally decided to burrow out of his cave!" Hit says making eye contact, only for Con to roll his eyes.
"They have food." I say pointing.
"Yeah I know. I don't need you to tell me everything"
"Woah! What the fuck is wrong with you man?" Hitman says concerned.
"Nothing wrong with me! Fuck off."
"Damn okay. Sorry for speaking to you." I say rolling my eyes.
Is everyone down there?
I get a text from Danielle. Before I can respond to her text, Conceited shouts, "Put the damn phone away! He's not going to respond anyways."
I look at him for a second. Trying to remember if I did anything to him for this reaction. I only said a few stupid things to him. None that I meant of course. His expression even shows he's serious. I don't say anything back. This is one of the very few things that get to me. I've been told a lot of things and I can careless. But he knows what he just said hurts me, makes me look weak and of course he uses it against me. I text her back. Think so.
And I leave the table, shooting Conceited a glare before going back to my room to collect my things.
Chin up baby girl, you know we all love you. We gonna get his ass back.
Out of the entire cast, Hitman always cares for me. I guess everyone doesn't think anything actually gets to me. I guess that's because it's basically part of my job. But I feel things just as hard or even harder, as they do. Especially when they mean the things they say.

"Justina!" I hear Dani call me from the other side of the stage. We just finished our first performance of tour and are doing a meet and greet.
"Where is Conceited? He's supposed to be here." "I'll go look," I say looking around the stage.
"You seen Con?" I yelled to Clips.
"Umm... yeah." He stuttered.
"I saw him in the green room." Without thanking him I headed backstage to the green room. I took a deep breath before barging in. And there he was. Laying on the cough scrolling through his phone. "Seriously?!" I yelled. "Is it that difficult to stay for a damn meet and greet?!"
"Don't even start your shit! The show went great. Are you just upset you lost the wild style?" He says laughing at his sarcastic remark. Not even bothering to look up at me. I reached down for his phone, tossing it on the end of the couch.
"Are you fucking serious?!" He shouted getting off the couch.
"I've had it with you!"
"You've had it with me?!" He sarcastically laughed. "I'm not the one who came in here acting fucking maniac!" I could feel my face getting redder. My heart beating faster. He new that word was a trigger for me.
"Asshole! I don't understand why you leave so quickly! Is your time so precious you can't even sacrifice five minutes?"
"I was on stage for sixty. Isn't that enough?!"
"I was out there the same amount of time!"
"Then why the hell are you not out there? Instead you're over here bitching at me!"
"Maybe because I care about our fans!"
"Oh for Christ Sakes Jus, it's just a few minutes. It's not gonna kill anyone!"
"I'm trying to give these people what they came here for. It's my job. I wouldn't be doing my job if it weren't paying attention to the fans!"
"So you just accused me of not doing my job! When I'm done with my job, I'm done. Just like everyone else. Now please fuck off!" He said in an annoyed tone.
"If it's so tough giving people who give a shit about what you do the attention they deserve, why don't you quit? Clearly you feel like you owe all the fans nothing!"
"Trust me if it meant not having to deal with your ongoing bitchiness, it very tempting!" He raised he voice at me once again.
"You're an asshole! You act like a damn child!" "Me?!" He said even louder.
"I'm not the one having a fucking tantrum because she doesn't get what she wants!"
"I'm so-"
"Enough!" Danielle yelled over us.
"Calm your maniac friend down!" He says looking over to me.
"What is it this time?" I was going to explain myself. But I realized it would be a waste of time.
"You know what I don't even care anymore." I say looking at Danniel.
"We have to go to the next hotel soon anyway." I said leaving the room.
"How much longer?" I say in annoyance. It's not very pleasant being in a packed bus traveling to the next hotel.
"Should be about another hour," Dani responds. "Fuckkk," B. Simone says from the side of me. It's been pretty civil between Con and I. He hasn't said anything to me. But, I can still feel the tension between us.
"Danielle!" Conceited yells from a few seats behind me.
"Make sure there is a key at the front seat for Vanessa."
"Already did!" I look over to B. rolling my eyes. She shook her head in response. Nobody can stand Vanessa. Or Vanessa Princessa, as everyone calls her. As long as I've been a part of Wild N Out, there has always been Vanessa. From the first time I met her at the welcoming party, up till now and probably forever, she has been the most irritating person I've ever known. As far as I know, she's with Conceited to boost her career. I've heard people say she's tried out to be a Wild N Out Girl multiple times but failed. And all Con uses her for is entertainment. He's said it himself.
"Oh fuck look who it is!" I mumbled to myself. There she was, the princess herself standing right outside my door.
"Justina!" She exclaimed as I opened the door. It's not even six yet and she's wearing yoga pants and a pull over, neon pink sports bra peeking through. "It's so nice to see you again! I wondered if you could help me. What room is Danielle staying in?" "She's five doors down from mine. Why? What do you need?"
"Oh just trying to get all the plans for the rest of the tour. I've been trying to plan a surprise for my man!"
"Awe how nice! How did you get my room number?"
"Conceited told me."
"Of course he did!" I say rolling my eyes.
"Thanks for the help!"
"No problem," I say, leaving her with a fake smile before shutting the door. I picked up my phone off the nightstand to text Conceited,
I got a visit from the Princess herself. She looks like she is going workout. I'm assuming your workout is over?

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