Chapter 8: Don't draw any attention to yourself

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Location: Utility Tunnels

Time: 9:08pm

Keep moving and don't draw any attention to yourself.

Gregory replays these words in his head to strengthen himself as he traverses down the dark corridors. Gradually though, he's halted in his tracks as his way forward had been blocked off by a pile of boxes with open paint cans on them. Nonetheless, there were two alternatives routes he could take to proceed forward:

To his left is a men's bathroom and on the other is the women's bathroom where he hears sounds of...chewing?

Gregory peers in. Chica, one of the Glamrocks, was eating trash in the corner for...inexplicable reasons that he wasn't going to ponder on and moved forth to examine the men's bathroom. Despite the fact that it was relatively safe, the path ahead was obstructed by boxes as well and he couldn't climb over them.

Oh just great, that trash eating bird is blocking my only exit. Maybe I could distract her with something...I know Freddy said don't draw any attention but...

Gregory grunts upon toppling the open paint cans in the main corridor, and darts into the women's bathroom, just in time to witness Chica hear the rattling and walk to the left to investigate where the noise came from.

Gregory takes this opportunity to zip past Chica stealthily, not noticing that she was now consuming the spilled paint, and strides past messy shelves of cleaning items and upward a flight of stairs which lead to the next area: An eerie industrial corridor lit by a dim red glow, containing pipes on the sides, lots of empty cardboard boxes in the corridor and a few control panels on the walls.

He walks in and looks left and right. The left side was blocked by a gate but the right had a long pathway. Gregory walks right and is about to make the next turn when he hears the sound of a chain and a gate breaking, he turns his head to look behind. Montgomery Gator emerges from the smoke emitted by one of the pipelines.

"There you are!" A deep southern voice exclaimed, "Mr Afton has been looking for you kid!"

Gregory breaks into a sprint again and the Gator pursues the child, making unsettling guttural noises as he did so.

The child dashed rapidly until he comes across another diverting pathway which split in two. He's irresolute of which one to take until the voice of Roxy yells his true name in the right corridor. 

"Are you lost Will?"

Gregory immediately starts heading left and runs in that direction up a flight of stairs. He was already getting worn out.

Please let there be a place for me to breathe for a moment. Gregory wishes to no one in particular.

Eventually, his wish was granted when he found that he had dashed straight into into a room with green walls, a desk with by two small screens on it's left and right and a very large on in the middle. More noticeably however, there was a big red button in the shape of a bear.

He hears Monty roars closing in and, with no hesitation, Gregory presses the button and it does something useful. Two thick metal plates slide down from above and close the gap in front of and behind him, shielding him from the two animatronics threats outside.


Roxy and Monty futilely attempt to claw their way in.

"Argh. My claws don't work here." Monty grunted.

Gregory breathes a sigh of relief and presses his Fazwatch, "Freddy come in. I'm in some kind of office and I activated its metal doors."

"Well done. Gregory. You entered a Security Office. You should be quite safe here as long as the door stays closed and there is ample power".

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