Chapter 9: The Argument

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"Okay, we're taking you down to the station." The faun cop said.

"What seems to be the problem here, fellow police folk?"

The two cops turned and saw Ian and Barley disguised as Colt Bronco while (Y/n) hid inside the van trying not to laugh.

"Officer Bronco?" The faun wondered.

"We're you in that van?" The cyclops cop asked.

"Affirmative. And we will...I mean, I will take full responsibility for that fella right there, so you can just release him over to me." Ian said.

"Hey, I wanted to be the front." Barley whispered.

"No way. I'll do the talking." Ian replied.

"Bronco, I thought you were working on the other side of town." The faun said.

"I, uh, changed my mind." Ian said, only to have his ear turn back to normal. He turned his head to the side to hide it.

"Something wrong?" The cyclops asked.

"Just a little neck cramp." Ian's hand turned back.

"You have to stop lying." Barley whispered. "Answer every question with a question."

"What exactly are you doing out here?" The cyclops asked.

"Uh...what am I doing out here? What are any of us doing out here?" Ian said.

"Woah, I never thought about it like that." The faun replied.

"With all due respect, you didn't answer my question." The cyclops deadpanned.

"Well, we were just exercising some drivers education drills for Ian." Ian answered.

"Who is Ian?" The cyclops asked.

"Oh, is that Laurel's kid?" The faun wondered.

"Ian is Laurel's kid."

"Your stepson was swerving all over the road." The cyclops stated.

"Yeah, well, that guys not all there today." Ian responded.

"Yeah, he does seem a little off. You seem a little off yourself." The cyclops walked closer to the suspiciously.

"Uh, actually, if I'm being completely honest, I'm not super great in this kind of situation, and I'm starting to freak out a bit. And I'm all sweaty and weird and I don't know what to say, and I just feel like I can't do anything right, and I'm a total weirdo." Ian ranted.

(Y/n) eyes widened in surprise at Ian expressing his feelings so much.

"Hold on, hold on. I think I know what's going on here." The cyclops said.

"Uh, you do?"

"It's not easy being a new parent. My girlfriends daughter got me pulling my hair out, okay?" She confessed.

"Oh. Oh, yeah."

"Alright we can let him go."

"Okay, well, I'm just gonna take him to the van." Ian said, grabbing his dad and taking him back.

"Hey, it gets better. All right? Good luck Bronco" the cyclops told him.

"You too, officer." Ian put his dad in the back of the van with (Y/n). "Keep working hard or hardly working." Ian said before mimicking Bronco's laugh.

"Now, that was a good Colt." Barley whispered.

"I don't envy you Bronco. That Lightfoot kid is a real handful." The faun commented.

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