Chapter 7: The Reunion Special (Segment 2)

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The Reunion Special (Segment 2)

S1 E30 - Reunion Special
Close Captioned • Recorded Live


HOST: Welcome back! We're here again live with Cora and Jamie, a couple who's relationship over the past month was anything but smooth sailing. Thanks for sticking around, you two!

[Jamie and Cora wave as the audience applauds.]

HOST: We've talked about your first date, but something changed before you arrived at your private beach paradise in Cozumel.  The water may have been warm, but the temperature between you two turned downright chilly. Let's take a look back at your arrival.

[Fade in to Cora/Jamie on-deck interviews, spliced together in rapid cuts.]

CORA: I'll admit he's aesthetically pleasing...

JAMIE: I'd say she's barely tolerable. Not my type on paper.

CORA: Never trust a guy with an ego bigger than the boat you're sailing on.

JAMIE: Jazlene was the one who caught my eye. The only fittie in the bunch... other than myself, of course.

[Cut to close-up of Jamie with his shirt off, sprinkling his torso with droplets of seawater]

CORA: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a male model in possession of a good six-pack, must be in love with himself.

JAMIE: She's not at my level, but I'll try to be a gentleman about it.

CORA: I have zero interest. I'd sooner spend a month in forced proximity with a toad.

[Cut to slow-motion close-up of Cora turning her head over her shoulder, grimacing with her eyes squeezed shut.]

[ Mixture of applause, laughter, and booing from the studio audience. Cut back to live shot, where Host is now seated on stage in a chair beside the couch shared by Jamie and Cora.]

HOST: Jamie, we thought you two liked each other over cocktails! What changed?

JAMIE: Not my proudest moment, there.

HOST: Is it true Cora isn't your type?

JAMIE: [Looks at Cora] I must've needed my vision checked.

CORA: I'd be happy to refer you to a colleague.

JAMIE: No thanks. I'm a one-optometrist man.

CORA: [Smirks at Jamie, then turns to Host] You see what I'm dealing with?

HOST: Well, what about you, Cora? Jamie had you blushing on your first date, but the very next day you compared him to a toad. Do you still think he's a toad?

CORA: No. Not a toad. A chameleon, doing an impersonation of a toad.

HOST: I'm not sure that's better!

CORA: It is. Reptile, not amphibian. Still cold-blooded but less slimy.

JAMIE: [Draping an arm along the back of the couch behind Cora's shoulders] At least she isn't calling me a snake.

CORA: Not yet.

[Cora glances pointedly at his arm snaking behind her. Jamie drops his hand to her shoulder and draws her closer to him.]

HOST: As long as we're on the subject of wildlife, a little bird told me that you two might have been playing a game with us those early days. Is it possible all those insults were actually a sly reference to Cora's favorite book?

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