Chapter Six.

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James led me back through the castle and up a different corridor. It was a bit further away from the library and a little closer to the middle of the castle. We slowed when we reached a large door, very similar to my last one save for the gold instead of brass on the frames. He turned the handle and pushed the door open for me, gesturing for me to go inside. I took a few steps into the room, but he didn't follow me in.

"I'll be just across the hall," he said softly, and I turned to look at him. "Don't worry, you'll be safe. I promise nothing will happen to you."

I nodded stiffly, not trusting my voice as I watched him gently close the door behind him, leaving me alone. I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in my gut, the feeling that told me I was pushing away something special, but it was not going away. I knew, deep down, that I could trust this man and that my fears were irrational. But could I take that first step?

I turned to the door and hurried over, feeling my eyes prickling with tears, but I ignored them as I pushed the door open and hammered my fist on the door opposite mine. It swung open so quickly I could only get three knocks in. James stood before me, eyes wide and searching. He could see the tears in my eyes, the shakes that were wracking my body, but I didn't give him a chance to speak.

"I'm from the Midnight pack," I blurted out before I could stop myself. His eyes widened even more, and before I knew it, he had grabbed my arm and was pulling me into his room and closing the door behind us.

"What do you mean?" he asked quickly, bending slightly to look into my eyes with concern. I tried not to think about why he was so curious and wiped my hands under my eyes to catch some rampant tears.

"I was found as a baby by the Midnight pack's border," I explained as James gently led me towards his bed, sitting me down and then sitting down beside me, his body facing mine completely. My heart skipped a beat as I continued. "I was raised by Silver Moon to be a slave, because no one knew where I came from. Then, the other day... I was curious about how I came to possess magic, so I- I accepted your offer of hospitality because I thought there might be more information here about the battle that wiped out the Midnight pack, when I was found."

"That was the book you've been reading," James confirmed, smiling slightly at my shock. "I saw it when you went to take a bath earlier. I didn't think much of it, but..." He paused for a moment. "I believe you, Rhea. With every fiber of my body. But are you absolutely sure?"

"The book spoke of ancient wolves from the royal bloodline that possessed magical powers," I explained quietly, looking down at my hands. "Only those from a true royal bloodline can have the kind of power I wiped out those wolves with. And then... your brother showed up."

James clenched his fist, his entire body stiff. "I will protect you from him," he growled, "I promise you."

"He said he was waiting for me," I whispered, looking into James' eyes nervously. "Your mate. And now he knows who I am... that I'm from the family he tried to murder."

He stiffened at my words, frowning slightly. "Where did you hear about that?"

"The book," I admitted sheepishly, "it said a member of- of your family murdered the entire Midnight pack. I knew it couldn't have been you, but then... Anthony showed up. And I knew. But he knows who I am, James. He wanted me because he guessed I was your mate, but now he wants me because of my blood. Which is exactly why I keep pushing you away."

"What do you mean, Rhea?" he pressed.

"When I guessed where I came from, I didn't want you to find out and then only want me because of that. I was just scared. My last mate... he would have done that. If he found out I was special, or royal, he would have wanted me."

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