Chapter 29: Paige

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Ryder was horrible at ice skating. Horrible wasn't a good enough word to cover it. He was an utter mess. At first, I tried to hold my laughter back but I burst out laughing as I watched him flail wildly like a newborn fawn as he takes a step forward. He yelps and grabs the walls of the ice rink for support. It was hilarious to see Ryder who is usually calm and collected, being so uncoordinated. Adorable. Hope declares and I could only hum in agreement. I skate towards him and stop in front of him. "Why didn't you tell me that you can't skate?" I asked, softly. He huffs at me, looking frustrated. I watched as a fellow pack member makes his way towards us. "Alpha came earlier last week to practice. He has come a long way. He was scared of getting on the ice at first." He says, making Ryder groan. "One more word and I will assign you to petrol the border for the rest of the year, Derrick." Ryder threatens, making both of us. Derrick mimes zipping his lips with his fingers and taking a bow before running away.

I look at Ryder to see him pouting. "Come on, mister. You have a lot to learn." I say, taking his hand. "Straighten your back," I advise him, he grips the wall tightly before reaching his full height. My heart lurches as I see him nervously looking down at me. I lace my fingers through his. He follows my lead and he improves steadily as we make our way around the ice rink. After two loops, I know it's time for him to let go of the wall. "Let go of the wall," I suggest, making him shake his head. I laughed. I place my other hand on the hand gripping the wall. "Ryder, you creating little cracks on the wall. You're going to break the rink." I say, teasingly. He gives me a look of mock hurt. "I promise that I will not let you fall," I say, gently. He sighs, slowly letting go of the wall. His body is rigid but we manage to get halfway around the rink. "Shit." He says, as his right foot slips. His right leg pushes my left and I gasp as we both fall over.

I find myself sprawled onto of him. "Promise? My ass." He huffs, making me burst out laughing. He rolls his eyes at me. "It's your fault! You took out my left leg!" I explained, getting up. Ryder sits there on the ice, a frown on his face. I call his name but he childishly turns away from me. Who knew that my mate was so pouty? Smiling, I poke his cheek. Before I knew what was going on, his lips crash down on mine. His lips send warm shivers up my spine. He pulls away and looks ashamed. "I'm sorry. I should have-" He starts, I shut him up with a kiss. His arm wraps around me and pulls me closer. I pull away and give him a small smile. We get up and go around again. I feel his gaze on me and I squeeze his hand gently to reassure him. The kiss was unexpected but it felt right. We fall several times but we get up again. After three hours, I pull off my skates and we head over to the counter to return them. "Fuck, my ass is numb," Ryder whines, making me laugh. I place the skates onto the counter in front of Derrick's beaming face. "Alpha. Luna. We hope to see you again!" He declares, making Ryder grumble.

I wave as we head out towards a small cafe. We take a seat inside. I peer at Ryder from behind my menu only to find him staring at me. I blush and hide my face behind the menu. Ryder clears his throat and a friendly waitress comes over. He gestures me to go first. I order blueberry pancakes and ice tea. He turns to the waitress to order. I couldn't help but gasp as I watched him order 4 dishes, 2 sides, and dessert with a straight expression. The waitress giggles and calls out, "The Alpha special, today!" My jaw dropped as I realize that he was the reason why the Alpha Special existed in the town. He laughs as he sees my flustered state. "But Liam barely ate," I said, shocked. He shakes his head, amused. "He just didn't want you to freak out." He explains. I smiled. The food comes and I watch as he clears the plates. "Where is all this food going?" I mumbled, looking at his body. The waitress overhears and laughs. "Exactly my thoughts, Luna." She says, warmly. I look at Ryder who gives me a wink. I mentally remind myself to buy more groceries next time.

Ryder's face turns serious as I finish eating my pancakes. "Paige, I'm sorry that I startled you when I kissed you earlier. I was trying to take it slow. I should have asked you, first." He says, sincerely. I shake my head. It was natural for mates to be fully mated by one week. "Ryder, you know I said one week. I want it to be real. I'm going to try my hardest." I confessed, making him smile brighter. He takes my hand in his and I feel his leg wrap around the legs of my chair, pulling me closer to the table. Closer to him. "I promise that I will make one week worth it. I will support any decision you make." He says, his grey eyes full of warmth.

It was crazy but at that moment, I was able to forget the cursed memories of my mother's pain caused by the mate bond. Instead, I was lost in thought about his uncoordinated ice skating skills, his crazy appetite, and his Alpha side with the boys.

He wasn't at all what I expected.

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