🦋 In Shaa Allah 🦋

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One week later and here was Hassan walking towards Elmas and her brother again.

" If I knew that she was coming I would have stayed home " Said Hussein with a sight puting his hands in his pants pocket.

" Don't start now she's super kind " Elmas said ending their conversation  in a hurry so they wouldn't hear.

Hussein didn't hate Aida but their interactions were so akward that facing her once again was too embarrassing.

" As Salaam-Aleykoum " Hassan greeted them while giving a big smile to his Elmas.

After greeting them back and Elmas giving him a big smile as well Aida gave a strange look to Hussein.

He watched as she then pointed towards Hassan as if asking him about what he said at their last meeting.

Hussein now super embarrassed thinking of his last word to get his number " I like him " he tried to ignore her and started talking " So we're in the midle of a parking, are we staying here or ? "

While Aida was confused but she decided to ask him about it another time.

" Oh no no I planed something already come on I'm driving us there "

" Can't I just take my car ? "

" There's no use why waste when we can just use one car ? " Hassan said while Elmas slaped her brother's arm
" Come on " she said before pushing him towards Hassan to walk while she stayed behind them with Aida by her side.

" You didn't tell me !? " Aida suddenly screamed making the two guys turn back at them.

Giving them a smile and making a hand gesture for them to face the front she turned towards Elmas again with a questioning gaze " I'm sorry it happened so fast, I honestly completely forgot to even explain to you " Elmas  said her face down.

" More like too deep in thought of my brother and you forgot about me, right ? "

Slapping her arm she put her finger on her lips telling her to not talk so loud.

" You didn't even deny it, I can't believe this you and my brother ? Omg I think I'm dreaming "

" You're not " Elmas said with a smile not even embarrassed but more proud of the situation.

" Come one girls get in " Hassan interrupted them while taking a seat at the front car.

While Hussein stood outside still watching the car with his mouth wide open.

" Omg this is you car !? " He screamed.

" Yes do you like it ? " Hassan got out beside him to admire the beautiful car as well.

While the girl waited bored of their act.

" Guys " Aida said puting her head on the window waiting until they get in.

While Elmas laughed not suprised from her brother's reaction, the car was really great looking.

" An Audi A7 Sportback omg she's so beautiful of course I like it ! " the man was literally going crazy, it looked brand new wich was even more crazy since buying it from the store must have been a big some.

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