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I've been walking all night, the sun is starting to rise. Orange and yellow beams of light hit the horizon. It made the mountain look as if it was glowing.

As much as there's blood and death in this arena, in this moment. Time stood still. I just stared at the sunrise. The hint of pink faded into the orange making a gorgeous ombré effect.

But time didn't stand still forever. And I'm out in the open, I need to find Leo and be on my way.

His foot prints still go on he ran so far. I sat at a tree to catch my breath.

I thought about what districts are left. Not the districts... People I've killed I wouldn't think about them until the end. I need my mind on the end.

District one is still alive, Zayne and Thea
District two just has Elliot and from the video of Willows death it seemed as if they are allies.

Three only has Maverick. Nine is just Colby. Eleven, Milo. Twelve, Malik and Rubye.

A slight laugh escapes my lips. The memory of Roland making fun of me for memorizing everyone's names.

"There's no need to remember their names. Either you'll die or you'll live and it's easier to forget them if you don't know their names." He said coming from behind to couch as I continued to watch the scoring getting everyone's names.

"If I do win, I want to remember their names. And in the arena I'll be able to figure out who's left." "I suppose, still it's a waste of brain power." "If you couldn't remember names no wonder you haven't had a victor in years." I said jokingly. A small huff came out as a laugh. "You got me their kid." He patted my head like I was an animal but I know he didn't mean it that way.

My smile fades from the memory. I have to keep going. As much as my feet burn from the cold and my socks becoming wet from snow. I'm miserable but I have to keep going.

I continued to follow the footprints just hoping their Leo's. My breathing stopped. My eyes darted around. Another pair of footprints appeared. Their a different size so it's definitely not Leo.

"Hey Princess!" I whip around to the voice. Malik is holding Leo's shoulder. Not in a hostage sorta way more like... as a friend?

"Cypress!" Leo ran into my arms I bet down as his arms wrapped around my neck. "Oh thank goodness." "I protected him." Malik said stepping forward. "I hope that shows you can trust me."

I look at Leo silently asking if this was true. He nodded.

"Protecting him is nice. Thank you. But that doesn't make me trust you." I held my sword so it was pointing at him. "Where's the other part of your group?" "Oh them. Went off on their own. I suspect they will dead before sundown."

"You aren't making me want trust you." "Whoops." He gave an innocent smile. "I kept him alive didn't I?" "I suppose, but so have I. And I did it alone. So I don't... We don't need you." "Your gonna regret it." "We'll see about that."

He started to walk away. "I'm going with you!" Leo announces. "What?" I look at him. Malik turned around. "Really?" He asked as shocked as I am.

"I don't want to stay up in a tree anymore!" He walked away from me to Malik. "Leo?" "I'm sorry Cypress."

A two cannons went off.

"Huh exceeded expectations." He said referring to his comment earlier. "I've kept you alive!" I brushed off Malik's comment. "I killed for you! And your just gonna throw it away." I didn't yell my voice was calm but confused.

"I'm sorry Cypress." He walked passed Malik, Malik looked at me one last time with a cocky smirk and walked off.

Can't believe I spent all night looking for him just for that.

I walked in the opposite direction.

I hear faint cries a few feet a head of me. I walk trying not to be heard. As I stepped the snow made a crunch under my feet. The person bolted up and pointed throwing knives at me.

It's Milo, he's covered in blood. I look pass him and see two bodies.

"Don't move!" He pints the knife at me, he's flimsy with it, he has no confidence behind it. He doesn't trust himself with it.

I put my hands up. "Drop the sword." Even though he's distraught I decide to let him think he has the upper hand. My sword landed next to me in the snow.

"G-Good." He's very distraught right now. Tears are frozen to his cheeks. "Mil-" my sentence is cut short an axe was thrown into his head.

I look over and see Malik and Leo. Thankfully Leo still has his axe, meaning Malik killed him.

The cannon went off in the distance.

Today is full of death.

"Trust me now?" I yanked the axe from his head and grabbed my sword. "No. But that doesn't mean I won't come with you." "Your gonna come with us!" Leo cheers. I'm slightly mad at him for leaving but in this arena you have no idea what could happen so I forgive him.

"Yes, but if you do anything." I touched the tip of my sword to Malik's chest. "And I mean anything. I won't hesitate." He swallowed hard and nodded his head. "Good."

I started to walk away from the bodies. "You coming?" They both nodded and followed me.


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