Chapter Six

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I enter the car and shut the door, flustered from being so up close against her body in such an intense situation. My hands are sweaty and jittery. I gulp to steady my breathing, rubbing my forehead. I still feel her cheeks against mine. The smell of her sensational perfume, the warmth of her hands as she placed me in between her legs, the disappointment I felt when she rose from the table and walked away from the breath-taking moment we were sharing, taking her seat, as if our lips weren't so close to touching. The way she discarded me after she was done toying with me, thrills me. 

I've never been attracted to people I cannot decipher, and she is way too slender. I have always preferred chubby cute people, with thick thighs and soft squishy tummies. Nothing about this insane attraction I have for Elina Cheng makes sense. She doesn't let me see any part of her, there is an invincible wall between us. She doesn't pretend it's not there, and I do not hate it. Maybe Dr. Rueng is right, maybe I'm drawn. But to whom? To what? I don't know her.

I let out a loud sigh, rubbing my nose.

"Khun?" the driver calls. I forgot his presence in the car. "Going home?"

"Ah! Sorry, Phi James, yes please."

He nods and drives off. I take out my phone as we drive past the mansion gates and put a call through to Plerng.

"Hey slugger! What's up?"

"Are you busy?" I ask.

"Never too busy for you."

"Can you take me shopping?"

"What! No way!" She laughs, the excitement in her voice causes a smile on my lips. "What for?"

"Some kind of classical music event. I'm guessing it's going to be very elite, sort of."

"Sounds fun, I hope to get paid in gossip. Meet me downtown, sending you an address." She hangs up.

"Phi, change of plans," I inform the driver.


"Sawatdee krap, Khun Kittibun," an attendant greets Plerng in a bow as we arrive at a private shopping outlet.

"Korn! You've lost the beard, good for you! Your chances of getting laid just went up." Plerng laughs. Leave it to Plerng to make everything about sex. "They are still low but no longer on the floor, good for you, good for you!" She thumbs him up.

"Champagne?" Another attendant walks up to us with two glasses of champagne sitting on a silver.

"Yes! The only way to shop is drunk!" Plerng says, lifting the glasses from the tray. She gulps down one and forces the other into my hand. "Drink! No excuses."

I drink it all in one go.

"Keep them coming," she says to the attendant.

The elegance of the decoration is outstanding for a place where only clothes are sold. The walls and ceiling are snow white, adorned with silver decorations. No surprise this is where Plerng would take me to shop, but I am starting to wonder if I can afford anything here without bankrupting myself.

One of the attendants rolls out a long train of suits and the fashion show begins. I try on different outfits so Plerng can help me decide what to wear.


"You look like what would happen in a Benedict Cumberbatch and RuPaul fan-fiction with an omegaverse tag, take it off!"

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