[8] Ambushed

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"effort reflects interest"

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"effort reflects interest"


I finish the last bite of my sandwich and take a sip of my iced tea. "That was really good."

"I know. This place is my favourite café near campus," Aspen says as she stacks our plates on top of one another.

"So what are your plans for the rest of the day?" the blue-eyed goddess of a woman asks me.

Aspen was a model when she was younger. She's always been gorgeous. With her wild blonde hair and her style, guys and girls line up to be with her. Luckily she's not my roommate, Beth and Harper have that pleasure.

I don't think my sleep schedule could handle her sneaking her one-night stands out of the house every morning. Not that I'm judging of course, if anything I'm jealous. I'd kill for her looks and ability to get anyone I want.

All my friends are gorgeous, which can be tough on the self esteem. I don't think I'm necessarily bad to look at, but my list of boyfriends or literally anyone who's asked me out makes it clear that I'm nothing more than maybe slightly above average.

My list, by the way, is 0. Contrast that to the other girls, it's somehow more embarrassing.

"I'm going to go straight to the library after we pay," I answer.

"Oh, that's right! You're tutoring the hottie with a body."

Why did I tell her he was attractive? Not that I had much choice, she pried the information out of me. I also can't really keep a secret, especially when that secret is 6'3" and easy on the eyes. Nevertheless, he's a dick.

"Please never use those two words in a sentence together again," I comment on her deplorable nickname, "but yes, I am."

"I'm sensing some sexual tension."

"I hate to break it to you, but your senses are off. There's nothing but studying going on," I assure her. "We're not even friends, I can barely stand him."

"We'll see about that," Aspen smirks to herself.

I decide against arguing with her.


"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask as Sterling pulls the claw clip out from my hair.

He doesn't answer.

"You're supposed to be studying you know," I add annoyed.

He nods his head and mumbles something about being bored.

I watch him as he focuses on my hair clip, opening and closing it over and over again.

I sense taking it from him would be counterproductive, "Can we get back to work if I let you play with that?" I offer.

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